Forum prune - pending upgrade

There is a new version of the forum software and I’ll be pruning some areas of the forum prior to the upgrade.

Upgrade will be completed at some point this week as I’m working on a couple of slight forum modifications to prevent more of those pesky spambots.


Ahh… you have a cunning plan then.

Is it more cunning than a cunning fox ?

[QUOTE=Peige;384499]Ahh… you have a cunning plan then.

Is it more cunning than a cunning fox ?[/QUOTE]

oh indeed - Fantastic Mr Fox would be proud :smiley: Trying it out on a copy of the forums at the moment :slight_smile:


step one is complete :slight_smile:


sniffs forum

Well it still “seems” the same :chuckle:

ok, the sneakyness has been in place a while now - and happy to report it’s doing the job nicely.

Let’s see who can find it then :devil: (mods & admins - I’ve a big bag of shhhh for you)


Is it the new “register” thing with the number pad and Folding at home logo :cool:

and todays man with too much time on hands would be Peige :chuckle:

Yup - although if you click refresh you should see a few other logos as well :slight_smile:


It was the “doing its job nicely” clue that made me wonder… and log out / hit register :chuckle:

Is it just me or have all the forum names in a post got a lot bigger?

they could well have done, I had to do some work with the styles and may have missed a custom css entry. I’ll check later against the previous version :slight_smile:


Certainly the mods usernames are appearing huge :eek:

Bigging themselves up :stuck_out_tongue:

missed a change of 14pt to 12pt in the css - done now, well spotted KefKef :thumbsup:


ah, I quite liked the name being bigger.


[QUOTE=Curly99;389656]ah, I quite liked the name being bigger.


Funny enough that’s why I did not say anything :smiley:

UserCP > Edit Options, bottom of page - change the forum skin :slight_smile:


Topman :thumbsup:

Excellent DT :thumbsup:
