Everybody want a freebie right ?
£10 Amazon voucher if you watch 10 training videos, all related to Valeo products.
These are quite watchable from the few I had looked at before the promo, especially the one on Clutch warranty repairs, how to make sure you fit the plate in round the right way and stuff like that.
" Watch 10 Webinars and get a £10 Amzon Voucher!
As technologies evolve, automotive maintenance and repair becomes more complex. To stay up to date, professionals need continuous training. But that takes time, and time is not the most available resource at work. This is why Valeo offers free access to its online training webinars (available live or on demand).
Today, more than 50 e-trainings are available on the Valeo Tech@ssist training platform. For the next week from June 23rd to June 30th, we are offering everbody (UK only) who watches 10 of our on-demand webinars a £10 Amazon Voucher!
Come and check out our latest training webinars today!"
In addition I have a £3.00 off discount code for Autodoc, first to PM me gets the code.
Autodoc used to have terrible delivery times but have moved to using Evri which has taken ownership of Hermes and seems to have streamlined things