Friday morning teaser (my head hurts)

my head hurts - here are some details on two hard drives in my Chia Crypto box

Seagate ST2000DX002-2DV164 2.0TB Ext4


This drive, has 17 chia plots all either 108.7 or 108.8

Seagate ST2000DM008-2FR102 2.0TB NTFS

So this drive, well this drive is magic - this drive can magically fit 18 chia plots onto it!

Somone explain how one 2TB drive can only have 17 chia plots and the other 2TB drive can fit 18.

The drive are not identical hardware, but 2TB is 2TB right? So the only difference is the filesystem? Or is it?

There’s not enough coffee this morning to cope.


some more info / findings
the “default” settings of an EXT4 partition

This stuff makes heavy reading with a hangover

Not saying it is or not i very rusty with this stuff :sweat_smile: but my understanding of EXT4 is that it handles fragmentation much better, not sure if the other drive was “Clean” in the sense brand new or full wipe applied but could be files were not able to be bunched up as close on the NTFS drive. though EXT4 is known for being more using more space in the day to day

Take the win and question it no more :rofl:

I think you mis read - I’ve got more data on the NTFS drive than the EXT4

Apologies in that case makes complete sense ext4 is ment to be a bit more space hungy than ntfs.

NAFC sorry :thinking:

The EXT4 drive is 4’C warmer so obviously the files have expanded with the temperature rise.

I looked at some of the CHIA docs and there was some mention of write size tuning, may have been disabled in later versions though.

It may be the NTFS drive cluster size is a better match for the Chia writes and EXT4 isnt.

I will ask the obvious question of course, the EXT4 drive doesn’t have a boot partition does it ?

EXT4 does have a lot of params, that reserved block count is enough to make the difference I think, it can be lowered with tune2fs, but this was just a tinkering exercise so not sure how long I’ll continue it for :smiley:


e4defrag, that will fix it.

I sold a refurbished pc base unit the other day.
The box it replaced was "laggy and slow, five minutes to open excel so I defragged "

The drive was slow because it was 12 years old and was on final approach to a crash landing.
Defrag just made it land on full afterburners.
Laughing would have unprofessional but I managed to keep it down to a smirk.

I dont think Win 7 checks all that smartCTL stuff but the aftermath counters were not a good read