
Just another quick idea, I’ve noticed that many other forums have introduced an arcade to play little swf games. Maybe we could implement the same idea, might boost the members.

I will try and discuss this with DT at the next Mojo’s. Almost anything that brings new blood to the forums is worth a try imo :slight_smile:

cool ta Alta

Yeah, Space Invaders would be awesome.

I can’t believe I still have the pacman score :lol: Stuarts site has all I would like to see in TPR really, an arcade and a good article submission mechanism as well which would suit the journalistic talents of those writing the guides :slight_smile:

As Alta said, definately something to discuss at next Mojo’s lan :smiley:


Was any progress made on this… (whilst drinking the pub dry), just curious…:slight_smile:

The feedback DT got from other forums suggests that you need to be adding new games very often otherwise the forum goes stale. It seems that their experience is that the games fall into disuse fairly quickly.

I have suggested to DT that I think we aught to try it with a game and add a game a month and see how it goes, but have not had a definitive ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ - but then I know he has been frantic with work.

I am quite happy to add a game a month or something along those lines, but there are a few core things that need doing first. It will happen, but at this time I am not in a position to guarantee a date.

Watch this space :smiley:


Cool, ta la

Why not a game a month, at the end of that month you choose a winner, and that person chooses the game for the next month from the options you make available to him? :).

I looked into this recently for one of my forums, however decided against it for two reasons:

  1. From what I have seen discussed on the topic, many forums found it distracted users from taking part in the actual forums.

  2. Most sites are using games without permission from copyright owners, The actual developers usually get quite upset about this since they spend alot of time on them. So the only ethical routes are licensing games (which costs big time), or only using the freely distributable games and virals packed with ads which are generally not very good.

Eventually I decided to go for a new skin, and trying to get inbound links from similar sites.

Mark (Avix)

That being noted, however if someone does a search for swf games and it brings up the TPR site, curiosity may get the better of them. I know, having done this myself and then gone browsing around said forum/site…