GIMP on Windows 7

Has anyone got it working? It’s the only program I cant get to work on Windows 7.:frowning:

2.6.6 works fine on my 32bit Windows 7 install - had to halt all crunching on first opening - it seemed to hang whilst setting itself up, no problems since though .

This may help, not read it through totally though.

works fine for me on 64bit win7

Just downloaded the latest one i could find (2.6 i think)

[QUOTE=SPEEDYJ;441125]This may help, not read it through totally though.[/QUOTE]

I found that but it didn’t help. Might install it and leave it opening for longer than I did then

If you can’t and the need is great let me know.
I have a couple license still left for Photoshop 8
Yet have not tried on Win 7

Now that I think about it I have a few legal copies of several software that I just don’t need or purchased to many copies.

I guess I’ll get stuff together sometime during the week and throw in Watto’s Shop. I wont sell anything and all will be legal copies.

It works now - took 6 and half minutes to load the first time :eek: - Guess downside to having an Atom based desktop and taking it’s time to load lol.