Happy 21st

efaill and Preecey.

Have a wonderful day and try not to stay too sober :smiley:

Happy Birthday :smiley:

Happy 21st birthday guysā€¦ may all your drinks be large ones :wink:


Happy birthday you two.

I am sure that you will have enough beers but have another one from me! :smiley:


Have one for me too! :drink:

happy birthday u 2 :smiley:

I donā€™t wanna see a post from either of u 2 till the 29th!!! u shoul be out getting absolutely plastered :smiley:

p.s. off topic, but Iā€™m gonna be in Hull Monday night :slight_smile: hope it doesnā€™t smell fishy like I used to remember it lol, u knew u were approaching Hull when u catch that fishy smell :slight_smile:

Happy birthday! :wave:

Happy Birthday you 2!!

Iā€™ll have a nice birthday slap waiting for each of you when you come in to irc :wink: :hehehmm:

Happy birfday, guys!

Originally posted by wnyotiel
Iā€™m gonna be in Hull Monday night :slight_smile: hope it doesnā€™t smell fishy like I used to remember it lol, u knew u were approaching Hull when u catch that fishy smell :slight_smile:

Still smells the sameā€¦

congrats :D:D

have a few on me :drink:

They say that 21 is ā€œcoming-of-ageā€.

I never did understand that:confused:

But perhaps you can enlighten us with some of your tales of what you got upto on this special dayā€¦I donā€™t think we need to know about the girls in the sheepskin coats that you hooked with on the way home though;)

Here is some cake

Happy Birthday

ta guys :slight_smile:

Went out for a great meal with the family, a few swift ones a plastered uncel later we got a cake from the family that was a pair of mammories, canndle in each :smiley:

Feel no different :confused:

Originally posted by Bob-A-Job

But perhaps you can enlighten us with some of your tales of what you got upto on this special dayā€¦I donā€™t think we need to know about the girls in the sheepskin coats that you hooked with on the way home though;)

I didnā€™t figure theyā€™d remember:confused:

Happy birthday guys!:smiley: The cake sounds like somthing. Did you lick the icing off:chuckle:

Cheers for the birthday wishes guys :thumbsup:

happy birfday guyz :thumbsup:

OOPS!, belated birthday :cuddle: guyā€™s.

happy birffday :smiley: