Has anyone got the setiteam file

for early this morning ??

Originally posted by dalethfc
for early this morning ??

no :stuck_out_tongue:

Tart :smackbum: still a few hundred to go m8 :smiley:

I was just repling :rolleyes:

I might not catch u…

today but maybe tomorrow or next week :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: Good luck bud :thumbsup:
:spam: race to 5K then :chin:

Originally posted by dalethfc
for early this morning ??

Got one for you guys from 22:00 last night if you want?
+170,000 :eek:

Congratz on taking out IBM :thumbsup:

ohhhhhhhhhhhh, welcome to this forum @Caprid

hope you have fun here.

Sir Ulli
(best wishes to AthlonMB)

Originally posted by dalethfc
:lol: Good luck bud :thumbsup:
:spam: race to 5K then :chin:

Whats the prize up for grabs?