Heating is back on ;)

The i7 2600 @4.6Ghz seems to have decided it can crunch docking units again :woot:

No idea what I’ve done to make it be able to do so, previous attempts all units bombed or had the stuck on 0% thing happening. It’s been a while since the machine has been turned on, but a play of TF2 this morning and I thought I’d give it a go.

Crunch ahoy :smiley:


Nice one DT! You need the extra heat with the weather as it is :smiley:

About time you stopped slacking!!! :kickbum:

Everyone needs a vacation sometimes. There’s truth to this. Your i7 got it’s, so now it runs.

wow - one machine turned back on = top output on TPR

I’ve set to no new-work again now, made it to 5th top computer and it’s stuck there without any more serious overclocking that just drains leccy.

Hate when that happens. Nice and warm here tee shirt weather in office but 15f / -8c outside. Winter in Midwest US finally is here and snow 8.5" yesterday. Oh so fun to shovel it around (NOT).