help time again please:)

just done a fresh install of win xp it only had sp1 on it so downloaded sp2 patch but it’s now turned off the firewall and i can’t turn it back on anyone know of a free good firewall please :slight_smile:

many thanks

Zone alarm free edition.

If you want to turn it back on again goto the control panel and enable “classic view”. Look for “windows firewall” and turn it back on.

tried doing that with no luck it says windows does not detect a firewall :frowning:

run windows update again ?

Actually, id recommend you not do zone alarm.

If you can still find it, sygate free is a good bet. PM me if you want help ok :wink:

MC, it’s easy to find.

Just google Sygate and it’s freely avaliable on Tucow’s

If you want to turn on the windows firewall, got to network connections, choose right-click-> properties and under the advanced tab of the following window is the firewall options :slight_smile:

Zone works fine, so does Sygate if you can find it. The real question is do you have a router or NAT service at home? If so your protected on the inbound side if setup correctly. Now I use Zone to watch over outbound, fastest way to tell if I have a something trying to reach out without a ok from me . Use them together to be safe is always #1.

thanks guys all sorted now :slight_smile: