Hey guys.......

Haven’t been here in a while now, wow the forum changed a bit, the light colour scheme is better than that aweful dark one you had! (not that I used to come here often hehe)…

I see a few familiar faces around from the other place. How is everyone? By the way - I’m part of the “All-Star Space Elephants” from the dark side as you call it (LOL :D). Just wanted to say hello really, sorry if this thread seems a bit spammy! :eek:

Metz - Pamplemoose - Lucifer - The Balrog
(anyone else I forgot to mention?)


Nice to see you here Arnie. Spam is de rigueur on TPR and all the members are about as crazy as the old place. Drop in any time m8 and stay as long as you like. :Pimp: :smiley:

ps. Point slackAD to the daily stats here. Class job. :slight_smile:

PS. 15000 woos up for grabs if you pimp as good as you spam!

Balrog - Were you one of the banned members matey? Missed all the schenannigans (sp)!

:spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :Pimp: :deal: :smiley:

Originally posted by Arnie01
[B]PS. 15000 woos up for grabs if you pimp as good as you spam!

Balrog - Were you one of the banned members matey? Missed all the schenannigans (sp)! [/B]

Yeah :ignore:. Didn’t do anything really, just my name at the top of the hoffending thread. Still I’m v happy here, very relaxed. Breath of fresh air. :slight_smile:
Forum Rules here :-
Rule 1 - Have fun
Rule 2 - See rule 1.
(except this thread)

Originally posted by Arnie01
15000 woos up for grabs if you pimp as good as you spam!

A small note to you as a measure of our success:
Last 24 hours: 100,278 WUs

:Pimp: :deal:

Originally posted by Arnie01
[B]PS. 15000 woos up for grabs if you pimp as good as you spam!


presses intercom button … Pimp required, level 3, section 6, room 8 … :chuckle:

Hi Arnie :slight_smile: Far less tense over here :cool: We’ve had an incredible number of joiners to this fine team over the last few days. Quite incredible. Do pop over frequently :stuck_out_tongue:

…presses intercom button … Pimp required, level 3, section 6, room 8 …

Mr Wolram, I just got that new intercom installed - for your conversationalist pleasure! Is the minibar still stocked? :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Arnie01
[B]PS. 15000 woos up for grabs if you pimp as good as you spam!


u know u wanna m8

feel the force around u

learn the way


ello Arnie



Originally posted by The Balrog
Spam is de rigueur on TPR and all the members are about as crazy as the old place.

Who us??? :shrug:


Hiya Arnie01… really relaxed here , only important things here seem to be , fun , custard , crunching , fun , :spam:ing , fun , etc. let me know if Ive left anything out peeps … :smiley:

Originally posted by Mortlake
Hiya Arnie01… really relaxed here , only important things here seem to be , fun , custard , crunching , fun , :spam:ing , fun , etc. let me know if Ive left anything out peeps … :smiley:

// remembers old advert :eek:///

but…i dont like :spammed:

(shows age)



Originally posted by Mortlake
Hiya Arnie01… really relaxed here , only important things here seem to be , fun , custard , crunching , fun , :spam:ing , fun , etc. let me know if Ive left anything out peeps … :smiley:

:cuddle: :kisskiss: :cuddle:



Originally posted by Donna^^O^^Darko

Mr Wolram, I just got that new intercom installed - for your conversationalist pleasure! Is the minibar still stocked? :slight_smile: [/B]

:hail: yes thanks mistress, and Ive been trying a few mix n match cocktails with the potions … hic … :smiley:

Originally posted by Dancin


HIC [/B]

me runs off to re-count the bottles in the mini bar :eyes: :smiley:

Originally posted by wolram
me runs off to re-count the bottles in the mini bar :eyes: :smiley:

Its OK I think his tipple is JD and he seems to keep an endless supply somewhere close . :smiley:

Originally posted by Mortlake
Its OK I think his tipple is JD and he seems to keep an endless supply somewhere close . :smiley:

:wink: :glug:




… rotters, you could have told me earlier about the secret JD stache … I was worried there :juggle:

and 0 - 60 in 4.2 seconds, down 3 flights of stone stairs, along 1/3 mile of twisty dark corridors, and then almost forgetting about all the boobytraps scattered around my coffin, has left me in quite a state … I need a drink :smiley:

Originally posted by Mortlake
Its OK I think his tipple is JD and he seems to keep an endless supply somewhere close . :smiley: