
Well things are no so good here at the mo, finding out that you have 96 quid to live on a week before food and cc is paid kinda put thinks into a new light.

So what does this mean well it means that seti has come to a stop so as lifemapper.

Means the computer is either going to sit here all quiet or am going to have to flog all the bits i got off just to raise some cash to see me threw till i get a job.

I said my goodbuys in irc last week saying this would happen now am making it stick this is the last you will see of me here till am back working which could be anytime.

See ya on the flip side :flip:

then add to this just check my bt phone bill 188 quid i owe them…no :censored: way i can pay that. :eek:

Oh man that is tooooooo bad :frowning: :frowning:

Hope the job hunt is soon successful.

Good luck mate.

Anything we can do to help your hunting, well you know where we are.

Bummer :frowning:

Good luck with the jobhunting Apex!

188 quid phone bill and bt want payment by the 16th of this month

/me goes off to have a heart attack :eek: :eek:

ps any one know of anything that helps you relax ??? cos i need it after getting this bill…

An Aspirin helps you to relax :slight_smile:

Hope things move on the job front soon.

Tell BT the situation - I am sure thay they could work out a repayment plan.

Originally posted by Apex
ps any one know of anything that helps you relax ??? cos i need it after getting this bill…
A bottle of vodka :stuck_out_tongue:

188 quid by the sounds of it. or maybe a flexaril. BTW what is a quid in USD

a quid is another word for 1 english pound :slight_smile:

Ouch. Now I know about what a Pound is worth in USD.

If you are worried about a 188 quid bill then you certainly wouldn’t want to owe BT what I owe them. :frowning:

Best of luck with the search.



Sorry to hear about your situation atm Apex, the place will not be same without you