When you finally get really bored with looking at your O so pretty Vista desktop and lovely rendering on your sidebar, if you are like me you would have got to wondering how much effort all that took which is wasted. I am not a big fan of pretty desktops, I don’t spend any time on my desktop, I tend to run applications and therefore the desktop is hidden.
So if you’re out there Mr Gates please have a look at some of the following which the rank amateurs in the open source community have written (for nothing) and let us have a Windows Adult Edition. This list is not exhaustive and is all IMVHO but I’d rather your boys and girls spent their time on this sort of thing than more and more pointless eye candy…
Registered applications - why is this set system wide and not by user? If I want to run Firefox and iTunes but my buddy who shares my machine wants Explorer and Media Player why can’t we?
TCP/IP - before writing any more networking code please produce a version of the TCP/IP stack which works longer than 72 hours without attention
Forced reboot on update - no. No no no no no. Why does your operating system need all these reboots anyway? Can’t it stop and start a system service while running??
Are you sure? Yes I bloody well am and I want to be able to finally convince my machine that this is the case by switching off all the nanny-state hand-holding prompts, confirmations and nag messages from Windows Insecurity Centre. If I switch off the prompts and trash my machine that’s my problem OK? Just deal with it.
Why can’t I preview mp3 files by simply mousing over them in Explorer? I don’t want to launch a player, I just want to know if that’s the song I was thinking of.
Why on earth do you make your system write “thumbs” files everywhere when they are not periodically refreshed? Why write thumbs files for video files anyway when media centre refreshes the thumbnails (but not the thumbs files) every time it browses the directory? Surely I should be able to decide how my system thumbnails local and network files, how they are previewed?
If my screen is in screensaver lock, would it not be nice to have a “leave message” button so that others can do just that? And be informed of said messages - with time and date stamp - when I unlock the screen?
Why can’t I uninstall all the bits of Windows which I don’t use? Why is it all or nothing on install? Surely once it has been established by the software that it is genuine there would be no problem installing extra bits I am entitled to from the net?
Why aren’t the desktop toolbars and notification areas more configurable? I might not want a volume control, might want my default icons displayed in different places, why is it so difficult?
Can I have a real delete command on the context menus please? Recycling does not work on large files or network shares anyway, so what’s the difference?
If we are going to have a bloated registry full of mime types, file types, file permissions why does your operating system still use file extensions to decide what type a file is?
Enough, enough.