
:scared: OMFG how did you managed to get a :bigdump: like this???

Did you build a cluster or what:confused:

Careful some :moon: might call you cheater:D

:hail: Ian_D:hail:

If they call me a cheater then they’re F&CK*ING STUPID :censored: ers .

I had six accounts totalling > 20,000 WUs (believe it or not I’ve been doing this since May 1999) and that nice Mr. Mat Lebofsky from Berkeley combined them for me.

Notice how Overclocker (001 thru 101) have magically DISAPPEARED ? :eek:



Now you’ll be in the radar sights of the self appointed “seti police”. It will give them something more to gripe about.:smiley:

Nice job that Mr. Lebofsky did.:wink:

Too sad I don’t have another account. Otherwise I might have been able to catch PIET:D
You sure got away from him:rolleyes:

Anyway :hail: to Ian_D

Originally posted by ChristianWeisse
[B]Nice job that Mr. Lebofsky did.:wink:

Too sad I don’t have another account. Otherwise I might have been able to catch PIET:D
You sure got away from him:rolleyes:

Anyway :hail: to Ian_D [/B]

@Piet :moon:

@ Christian Cheers m8. :cheers:

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Now you’ll be in the radar sights of the self appointed “seti police”. It will give them something more to gripe about.:smiley:

Let the sad b@stards moan :moon: …they need to get a life if someone whos spent four years and a shtload of £££ on leccy / new hardware worry them…how do the yanks put it…"fckwits". :cussing: