If you can't post nice, don't push the button

Indeed after the last spat I considered leaving TPR and at one point I did…AMD Users managed an extra member…

but being away…I realised this place felt like home. Spats and arguements happen, but it was home.

Couple of times I’ve felt like posting a reply, but have stopped myself before posting. Sometimes I don’t.

Andy an arse kisser?
In all honesty him and DT have been doing what the team is about…helping each other.

Oh and I’d like to class myself as a young member :stuck_out_tongue:

only half way walter you better get that checked out :wink:

To push the enlightenment further… helen just asked me if i wanted a fudge donut or a cream ring for dessert…
is that just bad or is my dirty mind too much?

I am going to try to make an effort to respond to all those who have commented on the decision made.

Post - binlala
I thank all users who offer help, Alta covers this better than me in his post.

Post - andylamb
I made a request by PM a couple of days ago to try and discuss things on MSN, I spoke briefly to binlala and I have been busy since. I would not insult MC’s intelligence to say he did not expect something of this nature. I would have preferred to give a warning, but there were too many jumping in on the post that required editing. Prevention of another war was a side effect of the temp ban.

Post - binlala
People that once had the crunching “bug” are easier targets to get crunching again than new people. In reference to “DT I think your stats thing is one of the best ideas on here for a long time… but I think youve got messed as to why your doing it…”, I know why I do it, revives the old crunchers, give us something that no other team has and get’s TPR noticed for new crunchers. “to get old members back to move forward is the wrong thing to do”, NO, it is the right thing to do alongside the new members, to forget our founders is an outrageous suggestion. In the post with that quote you also post "(TFW you can come out of your crevis now) - this is pure sniping once again, something I have already warned of in my first post. You also seem to have a rather short memory in regards to me helping people, I seem to recall I have helped out just as many people, yourself included. That comment to Andy hurt me more than Andy.

And now onto something else. binlala has changed his signature to an unacceptable sentence in my view to provoke a response. This was an effort to become the centre of attention again, at least that it the intention I believe of it. I changed it and went straight to PM, then in the other window I had open, it came back, before I could PM him. This effort to further incite has caused me to give a 1 day ban to him.

Please note that this ban is in no way a response to the criticism I have received over the initial ban of //\aster_Chief.


Fwiw I believe in the management 100% here, good calls and a long time coming imho.

I stopped crunching a few months ago now, while I waited to see how Bonic played out. I have been considering starting crunching again, but as the behaver of a select few is (to put it bluntly) unacceptable. I highly doubt I will now.

I came for SETI, I stayed for TPR, but now? - I leave that up to the team as a whole. :frowning:

I agree completely with the current methods the admins/mods are adopting…

I can tell it’s Friday and everone has had a long week! :rolleyes:

i feel bad… i had no idea any of this was going on :frowning:

The behavior of a few should never be a reason to stop crunching! Crunch because you believe in the projects. :thumbsup:

Lets hope that is the end of it. I’ve always thought highly of this forum and recently thought it was getting better and more interesting with the increased stats and busier threads.

As Egad says don’t let this put anyone off crunching or just enjoying TPR for what it is. Mind you the longer you stay the harder it is to resist :slight_smile:

Can we carry on now please?

I accept that I am now banned, it will be lifted today at 16:00 and I doubt very much I will be as active as I was, Ive spoken to DoubleTop on msn this morning!! and it seems to me I was banned for my sig and the remark at TFW ( sorry TFW) FAYI the reason the sig reapeard was because I thought I hadnt saved it…

Bannings I have no problems about getting around as you can see…but banning me you wont have to do…

I hope TPR goes the way, thats forward not back Ive been a member for a few years and theyve been great its just time I said bon-voyage!

Disappointed with that binlala, a ban is for a reason - you get round the ban you run the risk of an extended ban.