Loads of arguments all over the place, lots of sniping, snide remarks. I’m fed up of editing certain peoples post, this has resulted in a temp ban for //\asterChief.
I NEVER wanted to have to do this, but if this continues then the big red button will have no dust left on it soon. Please don’t give me any reasons for using it. It is not the way of TPR, I hate doing it. But it seems of late there is an underlying tension on the boards, with MC and binlala being at the forefront of the sniping (imo) and getting it back as well. Don’t bite.
We have had too many arguments, lost too many valuable members. I am working damn hard to get some of our older members back into crunching, the real roots of TPR with the Stattomatic, and some will have noticed some of those early members posting in the Daily Flame threads. If you show signs of “spoiling” these efforts of me and those supporting with the daily flame posts, then do not cry if I do use the big button. Fenix25 is making moves on Folding, all good things, I’m repeating myself now, but this sniping has to stop.
I also try by becoming a newshound by offering time to help with webdesign, but this attempt to always make (me) rise to the snide remarks is unfair… MC shouldnt have a temp ban…maybe yes for the language used but ( I think its not in the emoti list…) why should Speedo be allowed to make comments like he did without warning ? without temp ban ?
its unfair and inhumane, its not needed I have far more important things to do rather than be checking of one letter is out on my posts…
Youre the boss DT i would have to agree there has been a little tug of war going on with people but IMHO a warning would have been better to start with (ignore me if one was issued).
but i respect the judgement.
The point is that, bluntly, we have lost too many members because they think TPR is no longer a serious forum. That, in part, has been because some people simply will not take the time to think before they post. We are NOT the grammar Nazi’s - but we do expect people to think about the people who are going to read their post. Many of us do not have the (often) several minutes per post to make sense of what the poster is trying to say.
It has already been stated that we have no problems with anyone trying to come up with ideas for forum layout, design etc. so if that is your bag - just do it! Don’t, however, whinge/whine if most of your efforts are not used - we want to portray a certain style and image and if you don’t capture it just right then we reserve the right not to use your ideas.
There are many on these forums who work darned hard behind the scenes but seek no reward or acclaim for their efforts. You will often know them by high reputation levels and (often) lowish average post counts. They just get on and do quietly, without fuss, and help out when they feel they have something useful to contribute.
We accept that for some English is not their first language - and we actively encourage and welcome ‘foreigners’ and that is fine. There are also some who, for various reasons, cannot either type easily or are ‘word blind’ and that, too, is OK. There are some who come across as too arrogant or lazy to use basic English correctly - they make the forums look as if it is peopled by illiterates and that is not acceptable in my opinion.
If it came to a choice between regaining/retaining ‘founder members’ or keeping quiet and letting the forums be over-run with seemingly illiterate youngsters then I, for one, know where my priorities lie. Many of us have become very good friends through these forums, and I will fight to the death to prevent anyone/anything destroying what TPR has achieved - and I still believe we have greater things in store for the future.
This is my own opinion - and I stand by it. Sorry if you don’t like it.
Well the temptation to leave grows daily with tpr… the pointless squabling because im not an enhglish teacher and take pride in my internet posts…
but then I think that if I was to leave the people that do it to get a rise would win and on those grounds I stay… and the fact that Sirgaz is coming closer to trouncing me on Simap…
I hope it doesnt have to come to leaving… I feelt hat Mc and Myself are discremanated for whatever reason that may be… Ive been told by A member that MC and myself are like the “gruesome twosome” but then again we have to stick up for eachother otherwise we wouldnt be here now on tpr!!
Speedo;s post was looking for retaliation…And thats what he had…
there was NO need to ban MC!! total out of order!!
Therein is the fundamental difference between you and I - if you cut me open you would see TPR running through my veins. I could no more leave TPR than stop breathing. That does not, however, mean that I have to put up with sniping, back biting or deliberate undermining of TPR values.
Bin, just as an aside, do you think that maybe those that you feel are ‘ganging up’ on you and MC may have a reason to? I’m not just talking about correct spelling & grammar, but also things like one word posts that have no relevance to the thread at all (in general posts in cantina this is acceptable pretty much, but in a news thread where someone has taken time to do it only to have someone reply with a ‘heh’ to the picture posted and not even one mention about the news isn’t imo) and also I have to be frank and say your posting in Watto’s shop that you want something only to turn round and say you haven’t got the money has gotten a lot of people’s backs up.
It’s something to think about while both you and MC are thinking about how everyone is ‘ganging up’ on you. We are not a vindictive lot, we do not single people out to pick on them.
Just wanting you both to have a think about it from outside of the circle iyswim?
ok yes maybe back a few months ago my eyes where bigger than the moths in my wallet but I since have learnt from that my posts in news are to thank the person for the news and I rarely do one word answers to news… you have some valid points but seems that it MC and I…and thats it…
MC has decided never to into IRC again…a while back…one reason and one reason only Speedo… the Forums are portraying an unwanted sign on the door… and if getting old members that have stopped crunching for there reasons back…rather than move on and get new members then maybe the whole management need a kick up the arse… as history is just that…history!
Saying you are going to leave TPR and or IRC really does not bother me and im sure that dose not bother a few people.
by this i mean if you “threaten to leave” purly becuase there has been a squabble and the admins were simply doing what they felt was best then maybe you should either grow up or ship out becuase i for one dont want to hear it.
like DT said people are are making efforts and damn good ones to get TPR stronger and a better team we simply dont need certain people squabling and acting like children simply to get a response.
that i call attention seeking jack does it and hes five
like i said before Grow up!
I’m politley saying it… Leave it and resist the urge to post.
You not doing yourself any favours, the more you bite the more you
post the more people will get annoyed and try to push you
further into an arguement.
Take a step away, put your ‘Adult’ head on do the right thing and
don’t keep persuing this childish stance I’m sure 99.9% of our member
do not want to see this continued behaviour.
The more you push a situation the deeper things will sprial out of control.
@ MC … Please stop what appears to be an effort to push Binlala deeper into such arguements.
Bluntly put your creating an ever increasing tension that is seeing members
leave through a perception of a school playground enviroment…
Some of them can be classed as those old members driven away by the
:censored: going on in the forums… Those old members that used to make
TPR the place it is.
This must stop…Now
It will not stop if you keep acting the way you are doing or other action is
** And please be aware you can put yourself into invisible mode, but Admin & Mods
can still see what thread your constantly monitoring!!!
The way i see things right now is that maybe DT should use the big red button and use it on all those that post snip remarks or put downs (and i do mean ALL) This place is becoming like a junior school playground with members from all across the board acting like kids, it’s getting stupid. We have a damn good forum here (the best imho) but some are bringing it down with stupid one upmanship (not of the good kind)
Yes i think MC and Bin need to have a think from outside the circle but so do others.
Get it together peeps. as i’m also getting close to calling it a day here. I feel the same way about TPR as Hids and Alta do but enough will soon become enough.
Excuse me…MC isnt pushing me into anything I know exactly what I type, Why Should I have to put up with the childishness of everyone else and not retaliate?
@andy mate in all fairness you have been such an arse kiss to DT for the things hes done for you I dont even care to read what you typed…
@DT if you feel banning me for any of the above statements then please do so…
Main reason in the past that my threats of leaving have not gone through are because also I feel lots towards TPR…The thread that started all this was aimed to move TPR forward, but imo its shown how the admins and mods want to move it back… DT I think your stats thing is one of the best ideas on here for a long time… but I think youve got messed as to why your doing it…
to get old members back to move forward is the wrong thing to do, to move forward and get new members… thats yer best mode of attack, as people have left for different reasons and some will not return!
Your all forgetting that to have TPR last you need younger members as where all just getting older!!
And goodluck with the stats… guess you need to find a thursday!!
right i have kept quiet up untill now but i wont have bin say somthing like that about andy that is just bang right out of order and is not an @r** kisser to DT me myself totally agree what all the mods and admin have said and when andy posted what he did DT was the only one that had commented on that and we both agreed with it the school ground antics have to stop and bin stop and think if it wasnt for all the older ( i say older very loosley) members of TPR then it would not be they way it is today a strong family of ppl who you can go and meet up with and never have the fear of them carving you up or stalking you you feel safe and wanted in this forums it is a strong community and its all because of the members that have been there from the start we follow them on how to conduct ourselves here if we dont know somthing about the forums who is the best ppl to ask the ppl that have been here for years and i think it is sad that the older members are starting to leave because they think its turned into a school playground we are all adults here we have a few younger members and what example are we putting to them and also we get new members to these forums every day and what example are they getting you know ppl make there minds up in the first 30 seconds say they pick a thread to read thats ppl are all slagging each other off they will take there wisdom and go else where.
So just stop and think about what you are doing before you do it slagging ppl off is not the answer it will just get you banned perminately.
Just because the going gets tough dont go slagging others off just because they agree with one persons comments we all help each other on this and i think it is so sad that you retaliate with verbal
@ Speedo - please don’t take over TFW’s crown in provoking them. (even though i agree with your feelings about grammar, i think you got a bit personal)
@MC - the two of you may be old friends, but you are NOT conjoined twins OR married. please don’t respond by going off the deep end and swearing. you would not do it in Real Life in a pub without risking a smack, and feelings are still the same even in cyber lala-land. its not the first time you have been told about swearing.
@Bin - ok, your offer to do something on the website was rather cruelly knocked. but PLEASE shut up and stop giving people ammunition and reasons to use it.
@DT - please reinstate MC’s rights as a goodwill gesture. if he swears again I will smack him personally!
@ all - ive been around the forum a fair while, and this is the first ban i have seen, which says a lot for DT’s tolerance… please lets not see this farce escalate further. if Bin has (in the past) behaved in a way that has put peoples backs up, then please give him a chance to learn from his mistakes. try talking to him ffs!
and lastly, if anyone HAS to snipe, please do it in PM where the public can’t see the toys being thrown.