
I’m installing Red hat linux to experiment on a try and learn all about it. What partitions should I start with as it will be a Linux server!

Bloody hell Scoob’s - where you been ? :slight_smile:

Hope you are well :slight_smile:

What size HD has your linux server got?

I’ve been finishing my COmp Sci degree but I’m Alive now and I can write BSc(Hons) after my name!

I’m only planning on a small machine for testing so about 20 gig at most!

I was thinking

I was gonna learn Linux by setting up a honeypot but don’t tell the bosses :wink:

TBH just have a single partition and format that with all the space.

Obviously you will need some swap space (I usually have 2 x RAm as my swap space). Some linux distro require a small partion to boot from (e.g. RH) thus a 75M /boot partition is advisable.

<swap> 512M
/boot 75M
/ Everything else