Is it me?

Or has the template changed slightly?
It’s not quite the same colour scheme

and thanks for having the Thanks listed under someone’s name!:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

also just notice if u do ctrl b u get the bold tags put in… must be ms shortcuts :slight_smile:

Posted at exactly the same time :wink:

Looks quite swish:)
Just a idea but maybe a few curves instead of the boxyness.
just a little idea.:slight_smile:
still tho someones been busy.
and looks good :slight_smile:

Nah its just you :Poke:

:chuckle: :chuckle:

It’s a work in progress, just thought I’d see what kind of reaction it got, I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now so most of the stuff is working.


Looks good, nice a fresh :slight_smile:

I think it looks great nice work DT keep it up

i especially like the new font for names, but the rest is also looking mighty fine
good work DT

Only difference I noticed was that the usernames looked too big :stuck_out_tongue:

Still too blue :wink:

One like this id would be happy with :chuckle:


When i first joind there was pictures at the top i think one of the pictures was the bluebird.

Could we get that or somthing similar becuase i thought that looked pretty cool :wink:

:slight_smile: next style I plan to do is the original TPR one, then a selection of “XP Style” ones in a few different colours.


I think your thinking of mulda’s seti benchmark page

I don’t remember it being used here… though i could be wrong.

I go away for a weekend and when I come back we have a new template and and thanks feature. Classy. Might have to start wiping my feet before i come in now :chuckle:

Seriously though, very nice :thumbsup:

just to chirp in here, I like blue