

And this

That is bloody amazing !

Now pimp that guy and get his 12 PC’s in here STAT!

I read about a version of doom with slave displays where you could set them up as left right views. Never found a real version just lots of discussion

Now for Quake or UT on line that would be pretty damned good too.
Need to find some monitors or flat screens with minimal edging to try and get the completely seamless look.

. . . . . Wonders what it would be like on 8x50" plasma screens . . . . Who needs net monitoring :chuckle:

Just finished mechanical design and installation of this. Aminated 3D graphics on this 4.5m (14ft 6") full hemisphere dome with 5 integrated projectors is totally mind blowing. Got Doom running on it (for test purposes you understand) Get some pics soon.

nice, now if that was seemless that would be one hell
of a nice setup to have.

Got Doom running on it (for test purposes you understand)

Oh my god!
This is also cool

Seen that link before; although I’m pretty sure that he didn;t have as many screens as that last time…

Can anyone say “obsessive?” :confused: :wink: :smiley: