Just added

A Smilies Page to my site, the link is down the bottom of the
main page, but just to help you,

It’s here

It’s always nice to have smiles to go with your :spam:

Have a nice day Dale. :wavey:

And just for you m8

And you bud :wink:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

Is to find the one that I really miss and haven’t managed to find anywhere yet…


This message will self destruct in 5 seconds

This is my fav

ps moving this thread to the Cantina

Originally posted by Bob-A-Job
[B]Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

Is to find the one that I really miss and haven’t managed to find anywhere yet…


This message will self destruct in 5 seconds [/B]

I accept

2 :embarassedsmile: smilies are there now along with
a couple more and the grenade one coz I like that :smiley:

Excellent! Well done!

Now I just need a reason to use one of them…

Love it!

Originally posted by O’Borg

Love it! [/B]

Class indeed :smiley:

Weird how there arn’t any :spam: ones there though Dale :confused:
