LifeMapper News - 24th July 2003

LifeMapper Team Progress
As of 9:00am BST

I have cut the Top Teams down to just the Top 10 as there isn’t a lot happening below that.

Top 10 Teams

 1 Beta Testers............................77725 (11)
 2 KUNHM Informatics.......................74586 (52)
[b] 3 Team Phoenix Rising.....................61563 (1517)[/b]
 4 PathFinder Science......................56304 (10)
 5 UMB.....................................56219 (159)
 6 Uncleaned...............................47848 (1362)
 7 The Possums.............................47229 (1439)
 8 - Germany...............37394 (317)
 9 BBR Team Ecology........................36633 (646)
10 TeAm AnandTech..........................12964 (97)

We have the highest Computed Models of all the top 15 teams but a couple are close, one of them being our friends The Possums.

New Recruits
None today.


Research Dons

 1 tpr-wolf.....................................501
 2 Jeff.........................................299
 3 MAOJC........................................218
 4 Alta Rica....................................137
 5 kraut........................................132
 6 Curly99......................................47
 7 [TPR] Goody600...............................41
 8 barcode......................................41
 9 Sir Ulli.....................................27
10 DoubleTop....................................21

Nothing much going on here, same old stalwarts manning the battlements but look at the productions :bondage:

The Research Weekly Dons is not available in this issue, I will reinstate it ASAP.

Total Research Completed

 1 tpr-wolf.....................................15483
 2 Alta Rica....................................9314
 3 Jeff.........................................7671
 4 MAOJC........................................6874
 5 kraut........................................3652
 6 barcode......................................3198
 7 TPR_Mojo.....................................2812
 8 Sir Ulli.....................................1765
 9 Mulda........................................1658
10 [TPR] Goody600...............................1657
11 Curly99......................................1632
12 DoubleTop....................................1591
13 gizmo........................................678
14 Nigma........................................534
15 PMM..........................................470
16 preecey......................................445
17 Bob-A-Job....................................436
18 GAteKeeper...................................405
19 HairyMonster.................................319
20 riddlermarc..................................309
21 KYOGRE.......................................223
22 ReikiMaster..................................186
23 Rangershash..................................104
24 Kirchoff.....................................75
25 brucie.......................................42
26 wooyento.....................................22
27 bachus anonymous.............................6

With the lack of production comes a lack of anything to report, no stompings, no attempts at witty repartee, in fact nothing but…


You have the power to change that, literally, otherwise the news dies:eek: :frowning:

No Top 10 Preformers as I have no stats yet, it will be reinstated when possible.

Thank you for the words of support, much appreciated:cheers:

Now this a first, replying to my own news…:eek:

It would seem that the lack of production may not be anybodies fault…there is something wrong with the client processing or something?

So, more of a gentle reminder to try and be a little more attentive to those wonderful machines that you have doing us proud:thumbsup:

You are doing a great job Bob! Thanks for the news mate! :thumbsup:

As I said a few days ago, I had to move a few machines back to the fold (Is anybody running lifemapper as a service under NT/W2K/XP? I had no time to try this out…), so my production went down a bit… :flip: But today I assimilated 2 pc’s in Juggy-style! :smiley: :wink:

I am headed home tonight so I will reconfigure the boxes so I can launch and monitor the buggers remotely next week. Fortunately they didn’t die till last night it looks like.

Me want a LINUX client! :nod:

Thanks for the news, Bob - it is much appreciated.

We will pick up, but the client has been misbehaving and that has cost us :frowning: and everyone else.

We will still be No.1 (in every sense of the word!) :slight_smile:

Hi guy’s… :slight_smile:

1st: Good to see Bob-a-Job back here, he’s a great news reporter I:)

2nd: You’re slowing down guy’s… they difference in result is becoming less and less… We gonna catch up real soon :smiley:

3rd: As a member… I’m gonna pass Alta Rica in a few days if he doesn’t get his act together :wink:

J/K guy’s you are doing great :slight_smile: Keep it up :slight_smile:

Hi Strop

Nice to see another Possum visiting :slight_smile:

Re-Point 2… In ya dreams :wink: :smiley:

Oh, don’t tempt me :wink: :smiley:

If I really wanted, we could easily pass you guy’s :wink: :smiley:

Lucky for you, I’m still tied up on some other projects :wink:

Lucky for you i’ve still got 10 machine to fire up yet :wink:


Ok, I give in… we won’t beat you guy’s / gals… but we sure can be second :wink: :smiley:

Give in :eek: sorry can’t allow that we shall let you come second :wink:
but you must give us a fight to the end :slight_smile: fight I say I demand it:Poke:

We like the Possums they nice team :slight_smile: could not think of a
nicer team to come 2nd :smiley:

Originally posted by Strop
[B]Hi guy’s… :slight_smile:

1st: Good to see Bob-a-Job back here, he’s a great news reporter I:)

2nd: You’re slowing down guy’s… they difference in result is becoming less and less… We gonna catch up real soon :smiley:

3rd: As a member… I’m gonna pass Alta Rica in a few days if he doesn’t get his act together :wink:

J/K guy’s you are doing great :slight_smile: Keep it up :slight_smile: [/B]

Hmmm… we shall se what we can do :slight_smile: