LifeMapper News - 9th July 2003

LifeMapper Team Progress
As of 4:00pm BST

Late but at least all of the tables were updated, including the Group list.

Top 15 Teams

 1 Beta Testers............................77649 (1)
 2 KUNHM Informatics.......................73197 (123)
 3 PathFinder Science......................55349 (66)
 4 UMB.....................................54488 (125)
 5 - Germany...............32766 (348)
[b] 6 Team Phoenix Rising.....................30856 (2369)[/b]
 7 Uncleaned...............................28337 (1657)
 8 BBR Team Ecology........................26747 (595)
 9 The Possums.............................22230 (755)
10 SDSC....................................11198 (25)
11 TeAm AnandTech..........................10933 (137)
12 CRIA Informatics........................10508 (11)
13 Ars Technica.............................8643 (49)
14 Scott's Group............................8500 (0)
15 The Tards................................7341 (186)

We still have the largest output of all top 15 Teams.
Just a thought to ponder…Can we get to No 1 before KUNHM Informatics :chin:

New Recruits


Research Dons

 1 tpr-wolf.....................................641
 2 Alta Rica....................................413
 3 Jeff.........................................212
 4 MAOJC........................................211
 5 kraut........................................151
 6 barcode......................................113
 7 Sir Ulli.....................................106
 8 [TPR] Goody600...............................98
 9 Nigma........................................77
10 Mulda........................................75

Almost all of the Top 10 into 3 figures and if it hadn’t been for the server outages late last night and during the early hours, it might have been 8/10, even if it was 31 hours.

Research Dons Weekly

 1 tpr-wolf.....................................4894
 2 Alta Rica....................................2745
 3 Jeff.........................................1867
 4 MAOJC........................................1387
 5 kraut........................................1084
 6 Sir Ulli.....................................891
 7 barcode......................................737
 8 Mulda........................................707
 9 DoubleTop....................................620
10 [TPR] Goody600...............................517

No movement at all in the rolling weekly production table.

Total Research Completed

 1 tpr-wolf.....................................6859
 2 Jeff.........................................4565
 3 Alta Rica....................................4448
 4 MAOJC........................................2529
 5 kraut........................................2034
 6 barcode......................................1970
 7 TPR_Mojo.....................................1172
 8 Mulda........................................1049
 9 Sir Ulli.....................................914
10 DoubleTop....................................895
11 [TPR] Goody600...............................865
12 Curly99......................................845
13 gizmo........................................478
14 GAteKeeper...................................405
15 Bob-A-Job....................................367
16 Nigma........................................323
17 preecey......................................296
18 PMM..........................................266
19 ReikiMaster..................................180
20 HairyMonster.................................165
21 KYOGRE.......................................77
22 riddlermarc..................................74
23 brucie.......................................42
24 wooyento.....................................22
25 bachus anonymous.............................6

Today, Sir Ulli leads the way as our First Knight decapitates DoubleTop and accepts advancement to 9th.

[TPR] Goody600 shows off his decals as he flashes past Curly with his faded 99’s and :driving: into 11th

And finally, Nigma shows he is no slouch as he double teams the duo of PMM and preecey, accepting 16th as reward.

Top 10 Performers

 1 ReikiMaster..................................627.59%
 2 riddlermarc..................................178.95%
 3 [TPR] Goody600...............................163.72%
 4 Nigma........................................156.50%
 5 gizmo........................................137.31%
 6 HairyMonster.................................132.43%
 7 Curly99......................................130.39%
 8 barcode......................................126.76%
 9 MAOJC........................................125.60%
10 Alta Rica....................................123.97%

Still can’t trust these as performance today is out of 31 hours:realmad:

Thank you for the words or support and appreciation:cheers:

Top job mate! :thumbsup:

@Alta!!! I am moving over to the right so kindly pass on the left. :smiley: And here’s a little early :cheers: for you. :wink:

Originally posted by Jeff
[B]Top job mate! :thumbsup:

@Alta!!! I am moving over to the right so kindly pass on the left. :smiley: And here’s a little early :cheers: for you. :wink: [/B]

You may have to do the same soon, XP2600/333@179 FSB up and mapping!

XP1800B, Barton 2500 and 2 XP2400 waiting in the wings looking for cheap boards. Oh yeah a pair of MP2400 in my KD7Master if I can get the bastard sorted.

Top report mate! Thanks for the news Bob! :thumbsup:


Top newz m8 thanks again :cheers:

Thanks for the news, Bob-A-Job :thumbsup:

@Jeff - we overtake on the Right here :smiley:

ARG!!! :scared:
/Jeff quickly(and skillfully I might add) swerves to the left to avoid one Mr. Rica!!! :wink:

Phew… that should do it then. :slight_smile:

Great Repot Bob-A-Job as ever :thumbsup:

you did a wonderfull job here

Sir Ulli