Even though it fits in the category of physical science, it also and my thought fits better under biological sciences, any here concur this thought.
Funny you should say that Heidi. I raised this in the temple a few weeks back but didn’t get any bites :devil:
Missed that somehow…
Lets try again then.
So they talk about us… hmmm
Bet that could be a place for some laughs…
Better yet they ought to give us a place to talk about them that they can’t get into… Gee what fun we could have!!!
You wouldn’t have seen it. The temple is a seekret forum just for mods, leaders & admins.
Lifemapper = PHYSICAL tracking of species locations :nod: :Poke:
Biological moreso aimed at the protein science projects.
My tuppence and bite :chuckle:
Rumour has it that they dance naked in custard pools during the 3rd phase of the moon :eek:
It’s also said they brew strange concoctions in wooden vats to test on unwary passing crunchers … although DT is apparently a willing “lab rat” if alcohol is one of the ingredients
… just rumours mind you
Nah, it’s only Mincer that does that and it’s not custard he uses, it’s jelly :hehehmm:
You’ll see by his pic in the rogues gallery that he got careless one time and got caught for all to see
aaah yes, the good old days, when I used to wander the dark and dusty hidden passageways (oooer !), peeping through secret spyholes at the wierd antics of … err cough … blush … err …I mean exploring … searching for lost wu’s …
/… scuttles off to hide the negatives
For bio-diversity research, education and conservation worldwide, especially to forecast environmental events and inform public policy with leading-edge science.
For example, using Lifemapper’s predictions of animal and plant distributions
Researchers will be able to model and simulate the spread of emerging diseases, plant and animal pests, or invasive species of plants and animals and their effects on natural resources, agricultural crops and human populations.
Environmental scientists will be able to model and predict the effects of local, regional or global climate change on Earth’s species of plants and animals.
Land planners and policy-makers will be able to identify the highest priority areas for bio-diversity conservation.
Teachers, students and the public will be able to discover and map their backyard bio-diversity and how it might be affected by changes in rainfall or temperature or by the spread of other species.
Humans have explored the life of the planet for the past 250 years. That knowledge is documented by millions of original specimens of plants and animals in the world’s natural history museums and herbaria. Become a Lifemapper and help science use this knowledge to better understand and conserve Earth’s biological diversity. Become a Lifemapper and help science inform environmental solutions for Earth’s biological diversity
Well DT has the button so I will sit in the corner and shut up, like a good girl.
Anyone believe that… Tee Hee