so look here
Sir Ulli
so look here
Sir Ulli
File taken down
anyone care to forward it to me? i can host it
Thanks for the linkage bud
I was able to get this, so i took this on my Webspace, but only for a few hours, because normally my Space is limitet to 5MB, and this file ist 10MB
Sir Ulli
The Two Towers DVD will be released in the US on August 26th. Does anyone know if this will be the extended version with the extra hour or the version shown in the theaters.
The Fellowship initially was released as the shorter version then, nearly a year later the longer edition was released.
4 1/2 hours is too long to sit in a movie theater. But, when I watch it on my thinkpad with my 4 year old daughter 45 minutes at time, it’s the one to watch.
so if someone can host this, my Webspace is deletet at mitnight
so hurry on
can you host the File
UPDATE: New Line Cinema has kindly asked us to remove the links and files with the ROTK trailer, sorry folks!
so download now
Sir Ulli
Cheers Sir Ulli, you are a true gent
Downloading now … 50% …60%
soooooooo impatient I know
It’s gone already.
Originally posted by richardlellisjr
It’s gone already.
I seem to be downloading it fine and at 120k as well
Yes my Webspace is fast:D
Sir Ulli
for those that have probs, it’s now also here:
Thks @Spacey
Sir Ulli
actually mate, can you check that works, I seem to be having loads of probs with my dyndns account of late
Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Does anyone know if this will be the extended version with the extra hour or the version shown in the theaters.
one Moment, i am downloading from your site at 13.5 at this moment, so i tell you in a few minutes if it will works.
Sir Ulli
November 18th for the four disk extended version. Thanks Spacey.
Originally posted by Spacey
actually mate, can you check that works, I seem to be having loads of probs with my dyndns account of late
it is working perfect
Sir Ulli
Thank you Sir Ulli, I got it.
I can email it to anyone. PM me if you would like it.