@M.D. Petermeier Docking..

Will be passing through in roughly 7day’s if you can make space and put the hoover around that would be great :smiley:

Nice going Placid!! :cool:

Aarrgh! Go easy on me Droid… Impending stompage never goes without some amount of pain. As for you placidsheep, I’ll make sure everything is in it’s place for your arrival. I haven’t been here that long so I really don’t have much unpacked. Are you sure you’ll arrive in six days?

Going by the stats websites… I will be passing you in roughly 6days… but im sure I can speed that up a little bit :wink:

Machines are slowly getting back into the swing of things here :slight_smile: also have a suite of Core2Duo’s that have been replaced with quad’s… have yet to infect them yet though. :smiley:

Ok how about 3days instead? :wink:

Wooooosh :smiley:

Go sheepy sheepy go go go!!
