Metz2000 signing out

Well people, “it’s been emotional”, but all good things must come to an end :slight_smile:

I have decided to move my cruncher to the Lifemapper project full-time (for TPR of course). I just feel that searching our own planet is a little more worthwhile than searching for life on other planets. IMHO.

So thanks for the good times, and I hope to see some of you ‘Lifemapping’ in the near future. :Pimp:

I shall be finishing off the last WU in my cache soon and also dumping my stash from a work machine (approx 70 WUs). I will then mark my account as ‘retired’.

BTW, Bullseye you can keep the Sunday n00z!

Be sorry to see you stop crunchin’ m8 :frowning: .
I’m sure we’ll still see you on these forums though. :slight_smile:

Any chance of you coming back for Southern hemisphere or Astropulse.

Originally posted by The Balrog
Be sorry to see you stop crunchin’ m8 :frowning: .
I’m sure we’ll still see you on these forums though. :slight_smile:

Thanks, and yes I’ll still pop in :slight_smile:

Take care and hope to see yeah around the forums :cheers:

Hay you talk like he’s leaving TPR :lol:
he’s only next door in the other forum :wink:

Good luck m8,

Hope to see you on the boards sometimes:wave: :wave: :wave:

Welcome to the TPR LifeMappers :slight_smile:

HINT LifeMapper isn’t using full 100% cpu time, some % are unused. Set prio of LifeMapper to lower than normal and let SETI use the spare few cycles;) We don’t want to waste a single cycle, right? :smiley:

/our LifeMapper team is hanging around in the forum ‘Medical and Biological Research Projects’ on this board

Hey up… wots this? The :spam: monster retiring from SetI!
Probably cos he’s realised he’ll never match his woo count with his spam count!:lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by TheFiend(TPR)
Probably cos he’s realised he’ll never match his woo count with his spam count!

Already done that, 520 WUs, 327 posts… so ner! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for all the great work Metz

Hey Metz,

Thanks for everything. Keep in touch. :slight_smile:


I’m sorry you’re not going to be writing here as often. :frowning:

You’re often a sane counterpoint to some incomprehensible postings here. :nod:

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
You’re often a sane counterpoint to some incomprehensible postings here. :nod:

what am i doing? i dont know. where am i going? i dont know. who am i? i dont know. all i do know is that i am here (wherever that is) and that noting can change that now because its already happened, whatever that was.

Sane? :amstupid: :smiley:

Originally posted by metz2000
[B]Well people, “it’s been emotional”, but all good things must come to an end :slight_smile:

I have decided to move my cruncher to the Lifemapper project full-time (for TPR of course). I just feel that searching our own planet is a little more worthwhile than searching for life on other planets. IMHO.

So thanks for the good times, and I hope to see some of you ‘Lifemapping’ in the near future. :Pimp:

I shall be finishing off the last WU in my cache soon and also dumping my stash from a work machine (approx 70 WUs). I will then mark my account as ‘retired’.

BTW, Bullseye you can keep the Sunday n00z! [/B]

Oi :smackbum: Whats this ?? A :spam:mer running away :eek:

Originally posted by dalethfc
Oi :smackbum: Whats this ?? A :spam:mer running away :eek:

Heavens no! :eek: