More power O'Borg?

Hi O’Borg! Are you sporting more crunching power these days? I noticed you crunching about 400 a week. You’re gaining quick on me and efaill/preecey in Div 2!

Resistance would be futile, I suppose!

Just about to post saying about the extroadinarily high closing speed of Mr.O’borg. :eek:

Guess resistance would be futile :borg::smiley:

Only another 2.3gigs of Intel - I blagged a 1ghz and a 500mhz P3 at work, plus the sniffer laptop which has a 700mhz P3 - but the Sniffer might go away for weeks at a moments notice. I’d have caught you quicker, but the Sniffer BSOD’ed Friday night and I didnt get back to it until Tuesday morning - 3 days crunching lost :frowning:

I’ve reconfigured my home network slightly so the 2 pcs that are most always on 24/7 are an XP1700 and Barton3200 rather than a Duron 950 and XP2200.

Still after replacing the Duron with an XP chip when I can get a cheap one :slight_smile:

Excellent!! :headbang:

Hope you’ve got something in your reserve tank Doc…


'Cos I dump the home machines cache tonight :bigdump:

Originally posted by O’Borg
'Cos I dump the home machines cache tonight :bigdump:

I look forward to your contribution to science. :smiley:

Shall I prepare the Seti enema??