mp4 converter?

Can anyone recomend a converter that wil take files from most media types to mp4 for ipod use?

The one in Itunes is ok, but takes ages.

Who’s having a bet one of the reply’s will not be a TPR member and have the words apple & convertor in their SIG link :wink:

tends to be the best one Ive used… I know its not free but at current exchange rate works out at £13 :wink: bargain :smiley:

I’ve used a couple of online sites to do it. works nicely.

I am using nidesoft ipod video converter which provides an easy and completed way to convert iPod video, iPhone video from all popular video files. It can convert almost all kinds of Movie/Video format, such as MP4, MP4 AVC, H.264, WMV, MP3 , WMA, AAC.etc.

given this thread has been resurrected i can heartly recomend total video converter… does exactly what is required :slight_smile:

Have several programs we use, but by far this is my favorite:
VideoStudio Pro X2

:catfight:Great, I like it.It’s uesful.
If you need free dvd ripper, I think this site can help you.
DVD to iPod touch/classic/video/nano (Windows)

bot bot botty bot

Removed links. As much as I can right now.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

Miro have just released one

[QUOTE=Tony;455521]Miro have just released one[/QUOTE]

Welcome back to the forums Tony - nice to see members returning :smiley: What do you think of the new bits and bobs we now have after last weekends upgrade?


Not really been away, I just dont post very often.
118 posts in 8 1/2 years. :slight_smile:

Upgrade looks good, not that I’ll use any of the extra bits