@ Mr. Millhouse

Originally posted by Milhouse
Sorry about that - Brotherhood now added. Look on the bright side, at least it gave you the oppurtunity to make a legitimate posting! :wink:

:smiley: :smiley:

Originally posted by Milhouse
[B]Team created and everyone added exceptā€¦ Ian_D! :slight_smile:

Ian - whatā€™s your SETI name, or have you not yet joined TPR? :confused:

Edit: psi global - you must have joined after 5am this morning, in which case Iā€™ll have to add you tomorrrow once youā€™re in the database (youā€™ll turn up in the next download) :slight_smile: [/B]

Mr. Milhouse, Ian_D has all of the Overclocker 001-110 acounts. Hope this helps you since Ian hasnā€™t replied yet.

Iā€™m betting our new VT will show the next time the Virtual Teams Summary page is refreshed, sometime early Thursday, I believeā€¦ It will be nice to have the olā€™ Skz name in lights againā€¦

Overclocker (001) not yet arrived in team
Overclocker (010)
Overclocker (011)
Overclocker (100)
Overclocker (101)
Overclocker (110)

Howā€™s that m8 ?

[update] Cheers Darin m8, got there before me. :smiley:

Thanks Darin/Ian - how could I forget you and your binary accounts?! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I didnā€™t quite set the team up correctly - sorry! - but have fixed it now for the Friday morning update.


thanks for spending time on setting us all up, the ophans for sdkz all thanks you for this opatunity to stay together and still have fun

Just want to say thanks as well milhouse great job :nod:

Thanks m8

Thanks for giving us a new home:D

thanks m8 :thumbsup:

Yes, Id like to thank you too, and to every here at TPR for making us Skzers feel welcome. I should say ex-skzers since weā€™re TPR now!! :vader: (I just had to use this one!)

can you add me to the ex-skz virtual team? thanks

Ta very much from me as well!:juggle:

Thanks Milhouse! :thumbsup:

Please add me to the Ex Skz team.
Steve B.


Originally posted by Neal Chantrill
[B]Nightwlf99 and Vajras arenā€™t in our Ex-skzers team.

iā€™m in

ta Mr Millhouse, sir :kisskiss:
(wanted to use that one, too!!)

Hey this is Tom from NJ from skz. iā€™m retired as of right now but decided to bring my units over here to TPR with all my ex-crunchers. Iā€™ve got 4966 units I believe, and a few more to make it 5000 on the way. Can I please be added to the ex-skzā€™ers? Iā€™ll be active in on BOINC if it ever gets started. As of right now I have 17 computers ready for some crunchin of those boinc units :mad:

Hey Tom, nice to hear from you. Great to have the WUā€™s parked at TPR, thanks.
Seems a shame to have those beasts idle - BOINC could be a while yet you know?

Well Iā€™m at the beach all summer at a beach house and only have two computers here. Once Iā€™m back home at the end of August, Iā€™ll fire some of them up for you guys :stuck_out_tongue: Any ideas on the release date of BOINC? 2004?

Originally posted by smiles
Well Iā€™m at the beach all summer at a beach house and only have two computers here. Once Iā€™m back home at the end of August, Iā€™ll fire some of them up for you guys :stuck_out_tongue: Any ideas on the release date of BOINC? 2004?

OOhh you crafty little so and so so hoe you doing m8 :smiley: