@ Mr. Millhouse

Please can we have a sub group - Team Ex-Skz with, for a start colossusx and Ian_D in it. Anyone else ?


Iam up for it

How about me too :flip:

Please include me, too.

Count me in! :slight_smile:

Me as well! :nod:

Bit strange but I’ll effectively be back in my first team without leaving my new one :uhh: :confused: :lol:

Me too:D

:eek: looks like a good team already … with more to come I expect :slight_smile:

Ohhh Ohhh,

me wanna be in too, pleazzze

Looks like a few of you could also be in Team :spam: to :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I think part of the SPAM you refer to is just these guys (Ian_D, Neal Chantrill, and others) being used to having the forums all to themselves. If they didn’t post 50 times a day, the forums looked empty and uninviting.


Personally, I very much welcomed their posts, but I also understand that it looks like they’re SPAMMING this new forum. Give it time and I’m sure we’ll all reach an equilibrium we can be comfortable with.

Originally posted by dalethfc
Looks like a few of you could also be in Team :spam: to :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Millhouse. I see The Brotherhood of the dragon is still not in VT Spam :frowning: Could u plz ammend this

Thanx :slight_smile:

Originally posted by OgrePete
[B]I think part of the SPAM you refer to is just these guys (Ian_D, Neal Chantrill, and others) being used to having the forums all to themselves. If they didn’t post 50 times a day, the forums looked empty and uninviting. :slight_smile:

Personally, I very much welcomed their posts, but I also understand that it looks like they’re SPAMMING this new forum. Give it time and I’m sure we’ll all reach an equilibrium we can be comfortable with.
:cool: [/B]

:lol: - well, we didn’t really have anyone else posting so we had to
:wavey: to all from Skz over here

Please add me to the team Skz too please.

In for a penny and a pound…!

The old SKZ guys



At the risk of being boringzzzzzzz

me too pls

well since i am here
I join in

Team created and everyone added except… Ian_D! :slight_smile:

Ian - what’s your SETI name, or have you not yet joined TPR? :confused:

Edit: psi global - you must have joined after 5am this morning, in which case I’ll have to add you tomorrrow once you’re in the database (you’ll turn up in the next download) :slight_smile:

Originally posted by madDragon
[B]Millhouse. I see The Brotherhood of the dragon is still not in VT Spam :frowning: Could u plz ammend this

Thanx :slight_smile: [/B]

Sorry about that - Brotherhood now added. Look on the bright side, at least it gave you the oppurtunity to make a legitimate posting! :wink:

Where can we see all the virtual teams and their members? I dont see one for Ex_Skz. Just wondering.