Mrs Balrog

Big :wave: to MrsBalrog :smiley:

Welcome to the TPR number one team, with Wolf soon to take number one overall as well :bounce:


Welcome Mrs Balrog :slight_smile: I hope you enjoy your stay:D

Welcome to the team :wave:

Posted this at the same time on a different
thread. :eek: welcome again Mrs Balrog:)

Tried to delete the other thread, but it would not work:confused:

Funny I did too just deleted mine

Bizzare that :wink:

Welcome! :wavey:

Welcome… again! :wavey: :wink:

W E L C O M E Mrs Balrog Glad to see you popped over to LifeMappers. Pull up a chair and have a Seat. We are a small group but as we like to put it we KICK A**

Welcome aboard Mrs Balrog. We can use fire and flame in life mappers.

Howdy! :wave:

Welcome the the Lifemappers! :wave:

Just merged the threads to avoid confusion - but maybe I’ve caused more than I solved? Anyway

WELCOME! Mrs Balrog :slight_smile:

Originally posted by TPR_Mojo
[B]Just merged the threads to avoid confusion - but maybe I’ve caused more than I solved? Anyway

WELCOME! Mrs Balrog :slight_smile: [/B]

Since Mojo merged the threads…I should get to have two welcome posts too. :nod:

Welcome aboard. Have a banana. :banana: :banana: :banana:

No I just deleted the one. Had me thinking though :smiley:


Welcome to the team! :wave:

Welcome aboard :slight_smile:


Welcome aboard :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the welcome, very much appreciated. :slight_smile:

I am afraid that my contribution will be only small, just my lappy. Mr Balrog has stolen all the computing power :frowning: , mind you he looked extremely depressed when I asked him to uninstall Seti from my machine. I think I was not meant to know it was on there!:smiley:

me thinks he didn’t hide it well enough