multimedia and mp3 support for Fedora Core

This issue seems to be perennial - Fedora will not ship things like mp3 support with the base system as they are not 100% license/patent free etc. This situation won’t change.

Adding support is sooooooo easy I thought I’d document it for all.

First add the “Livna” repository, point your browser at and download the rpm suitable for your release of Fedora Core. Once downloaded open with the suggested application. Voila! That’s the hard bit done.

The following commands need to be typed into a root terminal window (or prefix each with sudo if that is your preference)

Install freshrpms repository
rpm -Uvh

NTFS support for all you dual-booters out there
yum -y install kmod-ntfs

Adobe flash player
rpm -Uvh

mp3 support (Gnome desktop)
yum -y install gstreamer-plugins-ugly libmad libid3tag id3v2

mp3 support (KDE desktop)
yum -y install kdemultimedia-extras-nonfree id3v2

Amarok and VLC - audio and video players
yum -y install amarok-extras-nonfree
yum -y install vlc

Media player and plugins
yum -y --disablerepo=livna install mplayer mplayer-skins mplayer-fonts mplayerplug-in

And that’s it. All info shamelessly cribbed from the Internet, just thought it may be useful to have it in one place. With a broadband connection you are looking at ~25 minutes to do all the above, easy really.

Cheers Mojo. Never really found the information to get multimedia support on FC. It always never worked.

Might now have to give FC another bash now you’ve said how to get everything working.

I wish I had the time to play with Linux, so I could understand all the stuff you guys know. I’m sure it would come in handy one day. :frowning:

Excellent Mojo. That post qualifies as a very handy resource. :thumbsup: