My Baby has finally grown up!

Yes some of you may not know, I am a Dad.

Yes Yes I know what your thinking he must be an excelent dad, has shown my baby the right path…and in so many ways youll be right…
its been a really struggle with no mother Ive had to do everything and still have time for myself, Its been hard but I think Ive done the right thing… not running off when it sprouted its head :slight_smile:
The mother was never around to begin with it was all just me and then finally one day she decided no more and said she wanted to have no more to do with it :frowning:
So September 4 years ago was when I stepped in as a full time Dad!
I can now say I am proud to show TPR MY baby :slight_smile:

awwwww what a gorgeous little thing :):cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

BINLALA! Someone has kidnapped the baby and replaced it with what looks like a horse chesnut tree!
Let me know if there is anything i can do m8 :frowning:

Oh for the love of god mate… how did that happen withot me noticing :frowning: im shocked :frowning:

what if it got some type of wierd virus ? oh no :eek:



Has anyone noticed that the insanity has increased since Neil stopped posting as much :confused:

anyway, me plays along with the game …

Should make it easy to research your family tree Bin :smiley:

:haha: :haha:
Oh boy - was that one worth the admission fees :lol:


Jeez, luckily I haven’t made myself coffee yet:chuckle:

oh thanx for that Wolram :slight_smile: I never thought of that :stuck_out_tongue:


you can see the family resemblance, she’s definately got your eyes Bin.

Tell me bin i could be wrong but she looks like shes a bit of a stick in the mud at times…
Laugh ‘o’ Meter…1.
For that im gonna make like a tree and leave…2
im sorry the jokes are just branching off…3
i really need to get to the root of this bad houmor problem…4
well i hope all goes well “Touch Wood”…5
Carefull where she is playing by the way bin they have a terrible habbit of getting splinters…6 WEEYY!

in all seriousnuss… I planeted that from a conker, about 4 years ago… into a pot… and then from that into the groud where you see it now…

Every week I have to go up and kill all the japanese knotweed and the crawlers so they dont kill my baby :slight_smile:

/me kicks violin player out the way,
Nah really nice one bin :p…
with the ammout of plastic we use and shove into landfills or have burent he least we can do is plant a tree.
Or some lilies which is what i have at my window just now 3 of em :D.

i think its great growing that from nothing at all (well not from nothing) good on you bin you have done well one day when you have kids of your own you can show it to them and have a boast on how you watched it grow.

ill take a pic of the group of trees it was picked from erlier :slight_smile:
also got a bonsai one growing :slight_smile: :lol:

Bonsai trees are hard work and take alot of care…
TBH a starter bonsai for you would be a hinoki cyprus.
It is a faster growing treen and they are slightly harder.
Let me know if you can get seeds for a hinoki cyprus as i cant find them anywhere and i was planning on growing one :).
If you need anytips gimme a shout :D.

try here Andy :slight_smile:

Cheers i cant bid for that at the moment.
But ill try and contact the seller. :slight_smile:

ill get them andy :slight_smile: will send u 5 :slight_smile:

ok ?

Jeezuz Bin !!! :eek:

Dont do that to me… i read the first part of your post, flicked down to the pics and thought you’d buried a rug-rat in the garden :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeh bin that would be handy… just lemme know when :).
btw they take up to 10 years to get even to look like a tree :stuck_out_tongue: