New avatars....

I’ve noticed some new avatars in recent threads. How does one acquire a cool new looking avatar such as these??

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Pretentious. Moi’ :smiley:

Seriously this could get out of control heirarchically. I know its not quite ‘TPR’ but how about some guidelines.

Originally posted by The Balrog
[B]Pretentious. Moi’ :smiley:

Seriously this could get out of control heirarchically. I know its not quite ‘TPR’ but how about some guidelines. [/B]
Guidelines… well, as ever I think common sense is called for? No neked wimmin (I know, but kiddies do see the board), swearing, Obi-Wan piccies etc but that’s really it - choose a piccy that isn’t going to offend anyone and upset the kiddies :slight_smile:

This is very good, to use custom avatar also , so i can take my very spezial Avatar at this Forum also…

Thanks@riddlermarc to this

Sir Ulli

Originally posted by The Balrog
Seriously this could get out of control heirarchically. I know its not quite ‘TPR’ but how about some guidelines.

I would think that the only guideline is that nobody puts a lookalike of one of the admin/mod banners as part of their avatar, or uses the same avatar or title. And like riddler siad, taste and decency please.

So a picture of Graham Norton is definately out then:

How do you change the title over the avatar? Thanks for the info!

Originally posted by docpugh
How do you change the title over the avatar? Thanks for the info!

User Options -> Edit Profile -> Custom User Text


Originally posted by Repo
[B]So a picture of Graham Norton is definately out then:


I dont think we would mind, just dont use it over at :vader: :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by sp00n
I dont think we would mind, just dont use it over at :vader: :stuck_out_tongue:

Aww heck, I was going to do my Julian Clary impersonation next time I wanted to order stuff from them too :frowning:

Originally posted by sp00n
I dont think we would mind, just dont use it over at :vader: :stuck_out_tongue:

ROFLMAO. :smiley: :smiley:

Originally posted by sp00n
I dont think we would mind, just dont use it over at :vader: :stuck_out_tongue:
:chuckle: :chuckle:

Thats a neat avatar O’Borg. Can I have a copy of it please m8.
All my pics are too big to be accepted (bigger than 85 pixels that is)

Originally posted by davepet
Thats a neat avatar O’Borg. Can I have a copy of it please m8.
All my pics are too big to be accepted (bigger than 85 pixels that is)

Erm… why not make your own, or get someone else to make one for you, instead of using someone else’s? :mad:

Failing that, you could just click on his avatar with the right mouse button, and go to “Save Picture As…” :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by sp00n
[B]Erm… why not make your own, or get someone else to make one for you, instead of using someone else’s? :mad:

Failing that, you could just click on his avatar with the right mouse button, and go to “Save Picture As…” :stuck_out_tongue: [/B]

Never thought of that, but, I wouldn’t use it as an Avatar,(especially without O’Borgs permission) just liked the pic, as it made me laff.

@Davepet, I have downloaded just about every Star Wars character, if you want me to make you an avatar just shout.