New Kid on the block - stand clear - coming through

Pheel and phear our powah - the new kid on the block is a-hunting you down.

Man your battle stations, clear the decks and prepare to be boarded, we are a-comin’ for you.

In case you’re all wondering what I’ve been smoking, and what I’m on about, it’s the new Digital Darkroom Seti Team - here.

I’ve gotta admit, you may have a little time before we catch you (:D), but we’re at it. In fact, it might be a while before our team is going to be able to catch some of your individual big hitters, but hey - ambition is a good thing.

Seriously though, guys, I’ve noticed quite a few of you guys over at DD and want to express our thanks for the supoprt and kind words.

Of course, that don’t mean we won’t stomp you given half a chance, but we’ll be polite about it :smiley:

Originally posted by Saracen
ambition is a good thing.

It most certainly is!

Nice of you to pop in and say hello. :slight_smile:

Hey up they bud hows it going ?

nice to see you around.


Nice to see you m8.

I believe you may have an influx of new joiners, more powah to your elbow, hope it goes well.

Stomping us? Bring it on big boy! :wink:

Originally posted by TPR_Mojo
Bring it on big boy! :wink:

SpeedyJ said that aint the first time you said that ! :wink:

Originally posted by Dezyboy
SpeedyJ said that aint the first time you said that ! :wink:

He’s a bitch. I told him in bed this morning to keep schtumm… :wink:

Things are fine, thanks Apex. I hope the same is true for you.

Originally posted by TPR_Mojo

Nice to see you m8.

I believe you may have an influx of new joiners, more powah to your elbow, hope it goes well.[/B]

We do indeed, Mojo. We have an influx of forum members, a number of whom seem to have popped in from TPR to say Hi. We also seem to have had an influx of SETI team members though I suspect not TOO many of them are TPR’ers (can’t have everything, I suppose :D).

I have to admit to a Hoooge Seti offence. I got rather disenchanted with Seti some months ago and have been inactive for about 8 months. As had Rebel. It was only when Beaky left, erm, his previous home and brought his Seti WU’s that he asked where the DD team was. So I created one and a few of our mods joined. Initially, that was going to be it. But when it was mentioned in an MSN chat with a couple of other guys that we had the team, they asked how to join up. Before we knew it, our “private” mods team more than a dozen members, so we decided to open it up to all and we then needed a DC forum.

But here’s the interesting bit. The team was still in the “private” stage, having not been mentioned outside that initial small circle when I noticed a post here with a link to the team. This was within about 24 hours of the team being created. One of your Seti detectives must have noticed some of the WU’s leaving another team and somehow located the team they went to. I’m still not quite sure how your detective/magician did that? :confused:

Slick work by someone :smiley:

Originally posted by TPR_Mojo
:)Stomping us? Bring it on big boy! :wink:

Ever heard the definition of ambition? An ant crawling up an elephant’s leg with intent to rape. :smiley:

Really, really good to see you around Saracen. You are more than welcome here.

Hope all continues to go well for you.

Am fine bud, could be better but thats life. (You would be if you had a rant like i have had :wink:

RE WU’s we have some of the best wu hounds out there if you wana find some one thye can :slight_smile: theirs now hiding from them :slight_smile:

It’s good to see thet myb and that rable have found a new home :slight_smile: it’s also good to hear from you, don’t be a stranger :slight_smile:

Re: ambition

You can try sunny but am telling you now, no fllipping way your going to catch us and if by some act of god you did i’d ilet the custed one give me a hug :slight_smile: hows that for a deal :wink:



Yehaww! Welcome to the Team!

Originally posted by docpugh
Yehaww! Welcome to the Team!

:lol: Wrong thread m8:p

Saracen - Congrats on the building up of your team! And when you think you’re ready, bring it on:D

Glad to see you guys all together crunching, good luck !


Brought a smile to my face to see MYB in a new home :cool:

Good to see you found your way out of the dark room with out any trouble saracen :smiley: No bumbed knees or anything :wink: May your team Stomp long and hard (no Mincer :nono: )

Hey Saracen, fancy merging DD and TPR ?! :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL, I gotta stop dreaming :smiley:

Welcome to our forums, please visit regularly. I wish your team the best of luck in finding aliens :slight_smile:

Originally posted by metz2000
[B]Hey Saracen, fancy merging DD and TPR ?! :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL, I gotta stop dreaming :smiley:

Welcome to our forums, please visit regularly. I wish your team the best of luck in finding aliens :slight_smile: [/B]

Jesus… respect!

Trying to pimp a whole team !:eek:

Originally posted by Dezyboy
Trying to pimp a whole team !:eek:

Why not? We seem to be 2 teams with very similar principles on how teams should be run.

It would just be a case of all members of either their team or our team moving to the other team, then renaming the team to TPR and DD. The link from the new team’s SETI page could then be to a splash page - one links to TPR and one links to DD. It’s not impossible but not likely either !

Originally posted by Dezyboy

Trying to pimp a whole team !:eek:

/Me thinks we’ve found our new :Pimp: And he won’t have to under go much training either:lol:

Originally posted by Saracen
[B]But here’s the interesting bit. The team was still in the “private” stage, having not been mentioned outside that initial small circle when I noticed a post here with a link to the team. This was within about 24 hours of the team being created. One of your Seti detectives must have noticed some of the WU’s leaving another team and somehow located the team they went to. I’m still not quite sure how your detective/magician did that? :confused:

Slick work by someone :D[/B]
Saracen, you forget we have fingers in many pies and spies everywhere… there’s nothing we don’t see :wink: Congrats on getting your SETI team going, it seems your forums are going from strength to strength too :slight_smile:
Let your members know they’re all welcome here, we’re all part of that Big Community aren’t we :nod:

Best of luck with your new team. :nod:

Post here often. We love to hear news from other teams. Especially if it’s pleasant news.