OGAME - Moons, Jumpgates, Phalanx and FleetSaving

Since the text from the Ogame boards is too long to copy and paste here (10000 character limit and the text from the Ogame board is nearly 20000 characters) here is the link to the thread on the FAQ’s of moons etc:


Basic moonchance info:

The chance of a moon forming depends on the size of the debris field after a battle. For every 100,000 res (metal or crystal, it doesn’t matter) in the DF there’s a 1% chance, up to a maximum of 20% chance for 2,000,000 DF. Any DF bigger than 2,000,000 still only gives a 20% chance. If a moon is created, the DF still remains.

The type of ships getting destroyed or who owns them does not matter, only the size of the resulting DF does.

The most common way to create a 20% DF moonchance is to use 1667 LF, either by someone sending them to be crashed against your defence, or having your LF crashed by a larger attacking fleet

Alliance members often send 1667 LF at each others planets, and then harvest the resulting DF. This means both players have the same chance for a moon and both players can harvest the DF created at their planet easily

Although a 20% moonchance does guarantee that the size of moon created is a mimimum 8.000 km, it is possible to get large moons from smaller % chances (using less fleet to create the moonchance)
Smaller moons have less ‘buildable’ fields and are easier to destroy with RIPs, but I have a couple of moons at 4.795 km and 5.567 km and have plenty of room for my builds. Incidentally, one of those was created from a 1% chance :))

The least defence I would imagine you need to destroy 1667 LF is something like 1000 RL, 500 LL, 10 GC and 20 IC, much also depends on the techs (Armour/Shields/Weapons) of both parties. It is easy to use a battle simulator (like Speedsim) to find a decent defence mix that will do the job adequately.

This is a guide to basic ship combinations that will create the DF for different % moonchances

5% Chance
417 Small Cargo Ships
139 Large Caro Ships
417 Light Fighters
167 Heavy Fighters
62 Cruisers
28 Battle Ships
56 Colony Ships
105 Recyclers
1667 Espionage Probes
23 Bombers
16 Destroyers

10% Chance
884 Small Cargo Ships
278 Large Caro Ships
834 Light Fighters
334 Heavy Fighters
124 Cruisers
56 Battle Ships
112 Colony Ships
209 Recyclers
3334 Espionage Probes
45 Bombers
31 Destroyers

15% Chance

1250 Small Cargo Ships
417 Large Caro Ships
1250 Light Fighters
500 Heavy Fighters
186 Cruisers
84 Battle Ships
167 Colony Ships
313 Recyclers
5000 Espionage Probes
67 Bombers
46 Destroyers

20% Chance
1667 Small Cargo Ships
566 Large Caro Ships
1667 Light Fighters
667 Heavy Fighters
247 Cruisers
112 Battle Ships
223 Colony Ships
417 Recyclers
6667 Espionage Probes
89 Bombers
3334 Solar satellites
61 Destroyers
1 Death Star

again, if you play around with a simulator you can find a mix that matches the fleet you have, and can be used for a moonchance (eg small cargo + LF + Probes)

Fleetsaving is the most important act you will ever perform in Ogame. There are only two reasons why you should never have the need to learn fleetsaving.

  1. If you don’t have, and never will have, a fleet that consists of more than 5 Large Cargos.
  2. If you have enough defence on a planet to keep your fleet safe if under attack.

Number 2 is actually a lie, I doubt there is anyone playing Uni 2 that can reasonably defend against 200+ RIPs and 5,000 Destroyers that are inbound :eek:

Right, so when should you start fleetsaving ? The straight answer is “as soon as you have a fleet worth killing:smiley:


40 Large Cargo
200 Light Fighters
50 Cruisers
35 Battleships

It doesn’t seem much does it, and now put it on a planet with this defence:

500 Rocket Launchers
200 Light Lasers
20 Heavy Lasers
20 Gauss Cannon
10 Ion Cannon
5 Plasma Turrets
Small & Large Shield Domes

ooooops, an attacking fleet of 600 Battlecruisers will have no problem at all, what you’ll be left with is NOTHING. The attacker will probably have recyclers 10 seconds behind the attacking fleet too, so you won’t even get to see the DF of 1,105,500 Metal & 502,500 Crystal created by your ex fleet. :cry:

Fleet attackers aren’t even bothered about the 300K Metal, 200K Crystal, and 100K Deut that might be on the planet, that’s peanuts compared to the 1.5 million profit they’ll get for destroying those ships of yours.

So, now you know it’s gonna happen, how do you prevent it …

There are various methods, the most common for those without a Moon is the Deploy.

Deploy 1
Send your fleet (or fleets) on a DEPLOY mission to another of your planets. Time the fleet arrival for when you know you’ll be online for its arrival, but being online at least an hour before is advisable.
If when you come online you see that a player is sending an attacking fleet to hit yours when it lands, there are 2 things to do:

  1. Message the attacker, don’t be rude or abusive, just let them know you’re online
  2. If the attacker doesn’t recall his fleet, then you have to - and this is where it gets tricky. If you do recall, you have to remember that the new return time of the fleet may not be a time that is convenient for you to be online.
    example: a 9 hr flight from 10pm to 7am is fine to catch the fleet before work or school the next morning, but then recalling it at 6:30am means it will now land at 3pm in the afternoon - quite probably a few hours before you get home. Timing of fleetsaves is crucial to their success, practicing now will save you much hardship in the future.

Deploy 2
Similar to the above method, but this time plan to recall the fleet halfway through its mission.
example: send the fleet on a 20 hr flight (9pm to 5pm) and recall at 7am, meaning the fleet will now return to the start planet at 5pm. These are often longer fleetsaves, but with correct timing can be the safest of the 2

DF Fleetsaves
Send the fleet (recyclers required lol) to a DF (visible or not) on a harvest mission. Remember the flight will be both ways so double check the flight times in the mission window before launching. Once a DF has been harvested, the game system still recognises a DF at that location even though one cannot be seen there. This means you can (if you like) use the same DF to fleetsave to on numerous occasions. these “invisible” DFs are removed from the game on the Sunday evening server reset - unless there is a fleet heading to it, in which case the DF will remain for yet another week. Invisible DFs can also be created by sending a single probe to attack a planet, if the probe is destroyed a DF is created even though often not seen in the galaxy view.
These missions are not very safe unless launched from moons, and even then the success rate is falling due to attackers having methods to detect which DF you collected - and when :sigh:

Moon to Moon Deploy
The most difficult for an attacker to detect and act upon, but obviously requires 2 moons. Simply send the fleet from one moon to another, timing it’s arrival as you would a normal Deploy mission - be online when it lands. :smiley:

I hope this guide at least shows you the theory behind fleetsaves, putting it into practice should ensure you grow stronger faster, although in Ogame nothing is guaranteed :tiphat:

The most common way to create a 20% DF moonchance is to use 1667 LF, either by someone sending them to be crashed against your defence, or having your LF crashed by a larger attacking fleet

Alliance members often send 1667 LF at each others planets, and then harvest the resulting DF. This means both players have the same chance for a moon and both players can harvest the DF created at their planet easily

[QUOTE=Enlightened1;450194]The most common way to create a 20% DF moonchance is to use 1667 LF, either by someone sending them to be crashed against your defence, or having your LF crashed by a larger attacking fleet

Alliance members often send 1667 LF at each others planets, and then harvest the resulting DF. This means both players have the same chance for a moon and both players can harvest the DF created at their planet easily[/QUOTE]

Enlightened one, do you know the capital of Peru ?

EPic Fail :spit:

Think I worked it out…The :borg: have assimulated Wolram

Think I worked it out…The :borg: have assimulated Wolram[/QUOTE]

aaah, that would explain the face staring back from the mirror this morning then

… and TFW, just in case you’re wondering if it’s me or a clone, the capital of Peru is in no danger from a tsunami in the immediate future :slight_smile: