Opening Access?

Is it possible to get access to open to a specific form on opening by puting switches on the shortcut?

I already have it opening to a specific page on open from within access but I want to have it open to a diferent page sometimes. eg a page with limited functionality.

any help greatfully received as ever…


Take a look at startup options as this will allow you to specify a startup form amongst other things.

Easy but hard. Access allows in setup the form to be open for STARTUP page thats the easy. The hard is the sometimes page. I would maybe do it this way. Have it open a different start page and then have an event open the other pages that are needed from a simple input answer. I do this based on a key code based on a date value. They can open a special form for security, and custom things by entering the data I give back from support, and if the select Normal button they just get standard start. If you are still hung, maybe we could have a VB app that shells a MSACCESS startup for each version.

Also the


Parameter: macro name

Starts your app and runs the specified macro from command line if a MACRO can be used (security issues here sometimes)

Cheers guy’s, I think the macro option is the one I’ll investigate, when I have time. My boss has been on leave for the past fortnight and I’ve been stumbling through his job, with only a vauge idea of how he does what he does, it’s been fun.