Predictor - 235 problem (probably) solved

We have updated the version of mfold: the new code mfoldB110 3.11 should be able to prevent the operating system to hang on in case of complex targets like t0235 for which the computation overcomes some energy value and therefore terminates before the end.

You don’t need to do anything. The BOINC client will download 3.11 when it needs it.

Great , that will reduce the need for several VNC sessions a day …

heh, likewise :nod:

I’ve done the update a few times and still not got the new core :confused: I’m still getting a load of errors on Predictor units :confused:

Predictor@home - 2004-07-28 17:53:43 - Unrecoverable error for result t0235C_1_689_3 ( - exit code -136 (0xffffff78))
Predictor@home - 2004-07-28 17:53:43 - Deferring communication with project for 1 minutes and 0 seconds
Predictor@home - 2004-07-28 17:53:43 - Computation for result t0235C_1_689 finished
Predictor@home - 2004-07-28 17:53:43 - Starting computation for result t0235C_1_1688_4 using mfoldB110 version 3.10


The party line is that the t0235 that were sent prior to today will still try to run with the old code and then when they get redistributed they will get tagged with the new executable. The binding to the needed executable happens at distribution time.