Question Time

Following on from the “How much do you know about TPR members” thread…

This thread is to find out more about our team mates’ Real Life’s™. In this one, I shall ask a question, someone then answers, then asks a question themselves for the next person to answer and so on. Same as other thread, if 2 people post at the same time/answer same question I shall edit the last person’s post and pm them to tell them that someone has beaten them to it :wink:

Please don’t ask anything that is of a highly personal nature (you all know what I’m talking about!), this includes sheep!!!

First then…

What is your happiest childhood memory?

Going camping with my dad or my moms cooking :slight_smile:

What is your favorite time of the year?

Summer, due to the warmth.

What is your favourite meal?

Lamb Balti with chapattis.

Who was your first crush?

A boy called Alan Donoghue when I was 5 years old. This ‘crush’ lasted til I was 12 years old :eek:

If you don’t have children, would you like to have them someday? If you do, would you like anymore?

I would like to have them some day :slight_smile:

Who do you look upto ?

Jesus Christ.

What do you like about TPR?

That we can voice our opinions no matter how far fetched they are or that they might offend others, knowing that other will understand why.

Do you believe in a god ?

no, I beleve in ony one thing, me.

are they out there?

It would be foolish of us to beileve that we are the only ones in this universe. So i do believe that they are out there. Waiting till such a time that the human race stops killing it’s self, stops the raping of the earth.

Can you forgive ?

It depends on the depth of the wrong doing, there are somethings in RL that I can never forgive, but others that yes I have forgiven.

What is your clearest school memory?

Playing in the 3rd year high school rugby team as hooker.

And throughout my schood life having a crush on Penny Fear (junior and high school) and then Sarah Maggs (last year of high school).

What would you like to be known for once you’re dead?

between mary elizabeth legs! :lol:

who is the best cook in your house?

Me and the missus would agree.

What victorian value did you most admire?

Children should be seen and not heard.

Would you die for a cause that was just ?

beten to it,

of course

my answer to previous,
offical line as member of the armed forces ‘yes’
my answer, ‘no’ not unless it would directly save the life of my wife,

when did you last cry?

When my wife left me.

If you knew the future and could change it, would you ?

btw neal i allmost did for my wife, but she ended up here :slight_smile:

no because of all the other things that are good it would affect.

Would you give your life to save a loved one?


Who was the last dirty slapper you went out with.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


The wife, the one and only love of my life ever :eek:

what was the worst thing you have done and then wished you hadn’t?