Quick website resolution needed

Well after forgetting the army adage of “never volunteer” I have done the very same thing and am leading the campaign to save our local post office from closure.

We have less than eight weeks to drum up support and put a qualified logical counter-submission to the Post Office for consideration, so the clock is already proper ticking.

I registered a domain last night with a very basic host & email package, that will take another 24 hours or so to be visible. In that time I need to get our web page together.

It will need:

Main page, banner, menu (tick)
Links and mailto: buttons (tick)
News page
Diary of events (could be combined with news)
Page for feedback (free format text, editable by admin, no registration required)
Visit counter (VERY IMPORTANT)

I am no web developer but I can tosh something together for the first two, I was wondering whether anyone knew of a boilerplate application which could do a news feed (scrollable), diary, feedback page (blog/forum style) and a free counter? Speed is very much of the essence, quality of code less so.

I don’t want to use external boards like a yahoo group as they are not structured enough and I don’t want to spend fortunes, the website will be required for 4 months max assuming we qualify for a second phase qualification.

Any ideas peeps??

Mambo open source CMS would get my vote :slight_smile:


thanks for that but a brief look makes it look like a sledgehammer to crack a nut to me DT

Do you want a simple HTML setup? I could knock something up if you can provide some basic graphics and an idea of layout. I don’t do flash graphics, but I can do frames if required.

what about phpbb ? forum style for the feedback area ?

Visit counter could be just from daily web stats from pages viewed. But for simple counters look here:

Since the site will be dead in a few months thats the easy way.

I think its prob worth asking before suggesting php stuff that the hosting he has offers PHP & MySQL as part of the hosting.

I might have code for running a guestbook, from when I did the Pifast Challenge that I used for collating the submissions but its PHP based and not a HTML/JScript stuff.

Sorry dragged away for a while … hosting is on a basic Windows server package, think I’ll just bang something together in Frontpage. It’ll be comparatively high-maintenance but it is only short term