Resizing partions...effect on fedora

In brief, you would need to mount the drive with the -t ntfs switch to tell linux its a windows partition, and from memory you may need a valid username and password as well. Try man mount to see the various options.

Do you think that it would mount the onetouch if i used that switch ?

From the walkthrough about useing a onetouch fedora very nearly does work out the box with it, you just need to mount it and format it but i’m wondering if this switch would mean that it would be able to see it.

mkdir /mnt/external
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/external

is the bit where they create a mount and mount the drive… perchance a ntfs switch on that line perhaps…

As this just an external hard drive i’m assuming the username/pass becomes irrelavent.

Sorry for the deluge of stupid questions :slight_smile:

This is the site i’ve been referancing on the Maxtor btw

At a guess your mount command should be

mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/external

or somesuch - I’m assuming the Maxtor is formatted using NTFS, if not FAT32?