Right, thats one arm out......

…of the straitjacket.

Mind you, its a bit soiled after that :bigdump:

Originally posted by Radar
[B]…of the straitjacket.

Mind you, its a bit soiled after that :bigdump: [/B]


523 is an impressive dump no matter what it takes you to in my book.

Err…you still have it’s use for another 4700ish units, I guess you must be one of those into that sort of thing:eek: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m hoping to have it replaced with a nice rubber custardy one !

:scared: You got a deal going with the :cuddle: meister then :lol:

523 is most excellent work. Thanks. :nod:

Well it was an impressive way to get there keith :nod: Nice one :thumbsup:

p.s. Hope you know a good dry cleaners :slight_smile:


Happy to have been :stomp:

Excellent dumpage!

Great dumpage


Good toilet habits :slight_smile: :banana:

Congrats mate! :thumbsup:

Well done m8 :thumbsup: :cheers: