Right, Who was it?

You are correct efaill, my mistake :lol:

[QUOTE=Mojo;383560]Two pictures submitted and not a trace of sarcasm? You’re slipping Mr Witt!

Not directly at your place? I thought you were on a wee hill…

Was up the top of the hill opposite the pub on Friday, came down midnight-ish, Elmo took a beating. Auxiliary battery has given up the ghost, both headlight bulbs blown, and exhaust dropped off the manifold again. Yesterday being the first dry day took at it with the spanners, all fixed, so decided to pop for a pint. Threw my toolbag in the boot, and hey-ho 2Kg dry powder extinguisher in the boot went off. What a mess! Found the safety pin for the extinguisher, it was in the boot, just not in the trigger :sigh:[/QUOTE]

Well, the next submission may evade the sarcasm filters.
Besides I’m way above the floods as my house was built before property developers were invented.

So is Elmo a ghostly white inside?

Yup, and some of the outside.

Full on smoke bomb impression :slight_smile: Just laugh - I did

New invention for dog owners, a flushing tree


:lol: Hell of time to wait for the flush to finish though :smiley:

Just watching Tomasz Septicknacker on the beeb, more rain on the way…and loads of shots of 4x4 vehicles with “FIRE”, “POLICE” etc written on them. Funny how these planet-destroying gas-guzzling monstrosities aren’t being criticised at the moment :wink:

Betcha Jemima, Tarquin and the rest of the hairy jumper brigade are back on the soapbox after the floods subside and there’s no need for a Land Rover to deliver their spring water and organic veg any more. Well briefly on the soapbox - they’ll be jetting off to the Seychelles soon for a love-in to raise the profile of global warming :rolleyes:

weather forecast would indicate that this afternoons activities at ‘chex dt’ have succeeded.

I fixed some new guttering to the shed to run into a dustbin, water butts = £25, basic bin = £10 nothing a sharp stanley knife cant muster :chuckle:

Guaranteed not to rain for some time now, I’ll do some more work on the drainage and guttering later on in the week just to be sure we get some good weather :smiley:


was luvverly over here in derby today, sun sun and sun, i am getting a tan looks like the bad weather is scared off me :karate: :wink:

This is depressing, next summer will be the 10th anniversary of me buying an extra large blue pond liner, circa 20,000 litres.
Guess how long they last for…

I’ll let you know when its been-refilled just in case the same flooding thing is triggered this time around