Seti /w wine on Linux

This is a first stab attempt to do a howto for seti with wine on Linux (specifically Redhat although I will add info for the major distros as and when I get time).

Why would I want to do this? There are native CLIs for Linux.

B0rkley in their infinite wisdom created Seti Clients for all other OS (other than Windows) as an after thought. This means that Seti was optimised heavily for windows and not for linux. Wine is an inplementation of Win32 API for linux and so can run and take advantage of the reduced CPU time/WU for the Windows CLI.

Sounds good. How do I do it?

This must be done from X (or KDE or Gnome which run X anyway).

Seti + Wine + Redhat:

from the console.

connect to the internet:

$ su -

up2date (optional, this will allow you to register for up2date/rhn

up2date wine

up2date wget


$ cd ~
$ mkdir seti
$ cd seti
$ wget
$ nohup wine – ./setiathome-3.03.i386-winnt-cmdline.exe -proxy &

To see if it is running

$ tail nohup.out

To see if it is using 100% cpu or there abouts

$ top

//comments and help in improving please!

Good one barcode :thumbsup:

I kick off seti via remote login which means I have to set the display back to the linux box… so I created a script

vi ~seti/runseti
export DISPLAY
nohup wine – ./setiathome-3.03.i386-winnt-cmdline.exe -proxy &

then I added this to my /etc/rc.local file so it runs on boot-up.

vi /etc/rc.local
su - seti -c ~seti/runseti

Of course to use the ~seti shortcut I created myself a seti user with it’s own home directory.

Nice one Spaceboy. I will refactor it all once everyone has had chance to comment.

MAOJC has some cool scripts to keep things running smoothly if I remember correctly.

I got it running but how do i enter my email address to it:confused:

Originally posted by agd1
I got it running but how do i enter my email address to it:confused:

Very good point! You need to run it the first time without the nohup or the ampsand (i.e. wine ./seti-wint -proxy

Then once it’s downloaded a unit stop it (ctrl+c) and start it in the way suggested above.

Originally posted by agd1
I got it running but how do i enter my email address to it:confused:

The easy way is to just get a user_info.sah from another seti instance and put it in the directory.

t:doh:Why didn’t I think of that, just like setting up a TPR benchie:flip:

TFWitt has some nice scripts to guarantee the wine client won’t lock up. there is the one problem when the seti client returns a larger than normal result.sah. It will refuse to send it. So TFW runs the unit with the Wine/NT cli then stops it and sends it with the linux client. Good work around.

When i use wget command to dowload the client file is says that it cant save it because it is write protected.

Any ideas?:confused:

when you use wget I believe it tries to save the file in the current directory.

either make sure the current user has write access to the current directory (chmod 755 dirname as root should do it)

or cd /tmp first, and then wget :slight_smile:

Ive got it on floppy how do i copy it from floppy to seti dir?

Cheers Tony

Need to mount your floppy (LEAVE IT!)

something like

mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

as root. Then you can browse the disk by

cd /mnt/floppy

I can browse the floppy no problem at all its when i try to copy to the seti dir it tells me the file is write protected:confused:

Originally posted by agd1
I can browse the floppy no problem at all its when i try to copy to the seti dir it tells me the file is write protected:confused:

You need to look at the permissions of the directory you are copying it to and the permissions you currently have.

Make sure that the directory is writtable.

ls -la /path/below/seti_dir

Should give you output before the directory like

drwx------ or similar.


#chmod 777 seti_dir

should give you write permission to this directory. Just bear in mind that this has give read, write & execute permission to any user of this system

Could someone post a link to them? I think they will be very useful.

Originally posted by MAOJC
TFWitt has some nice scripts to guarantee the wine client won’t lock up. there is the one problem when the seti client returns a larger than normal result.sah. It will refuse to send it. So TFW runs the unit with the Wine/NT cli then stops it and sends it with the linux client. Good work around.


Thought I’d post a link to our discussion of running SETI under wine on linux over at

We modified your original script slightly to work a little better with setiqueue (see one of my later posts in that thread).

Anyway, thanks again for the original script :slight_smile:



I think this can be unstuck and consigned to history now

Will you please scrape the cobwebs off it before packing it away TFW :rolleyes: