small break tips ?

well im looking to go on a small break sometime in the summer with the gf but I dont know where to go… im looking at local places… eg: wales :lol:

it needs to be easily accessable by train… and needs to be nice :slight_smile:

any thoughts ?

and no mojos is out… she wouldnt want to go :stuck_out_tongue: and I cant cos Ice got party plans :(:slight_smile:

mid wales train line from swansea to shrewsbury - beautiful scenery

bath - again beautiful place and quite romantic if ur hoping to … :wink:

walking the gower peninsula, cefn sidan beach, amroth/tenby/saundersfoot etc?

or you could stay in the nearest pub with beer garden? lol

what about a train to scotland? you could go n visit andylamb


:eek: :eek: :confused: :confused:




all those places sound nice

what about b&b ? any recomendations


Great coastline. :slight_smile:

And Dartmoor and Exemoor are fantastic :slight_smile:

Ive heard the lake district is nice never been but ive been told its a good place to get away to hope that helps

mostly i know nice places to go in scotland but i dont think you will want to sit on a train for that length of time.
I could sugest gretna green :wink: your g/f would love it i think you might just run a mile :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the budget? i did Paris for only £150 notes!

if you head for the mid wales line towards shrewsbury, get off at church stretton and get a room at juniper cottage b&b. just across the road is the yew tree pub that does the best fried brie and camambert with cranberry jelly that i have ever tasted. and their cider is pretty good too!

CentreParc is actually a pretty good place to go, beautiful surroundings. I went with my wife about 2 years ago for a long weekend and it was nice and relaxing but with stuff to do. We went to the one near Bristol (Longleat).

Basrah is nice an warm this time of year :stuck_out_tongue:

as is Fallujah…

no budget…

doesnt look like ill be doing it this year… might trodle off to tenby :slight_smile: