These instructions are for Fedora Core, I can’t see any reason why they shouldn’t work on Mandrake, Red Hat et al either.
First you need to know where BOINC is installed - I’ve used /home/boinc in this example - change to suit your setup.
Once you know this, find out your client name. If it is the downloaded 4.13 it should be boinc_4.13_i686-pc-linux-gnu or somesuch - again modify this in my example if it doesn’t fit your setup.
To make your life easier when the client is upgraded, change it’s name by renaming the file so that the version number is removed. In this case
<your superuser password here>
cd /home/boinc
mv boinc_4.13_i686-pc-linux-gnu boinc
Now wherever in these instructions it shows “boinc_4.13_i686-pc-linux-gnu” replace with “boinc”. When the next version comes out, download and untar to /home/boinc, stop your running boinc client, and redo the above with the new client name e.g.
<your superuser password here>
cd /home/boinc
mv boinc_4.14_i686-pc-linux-gnu boinc
Then restart your boinc client
Now you won’t need to edit /etc/rc.local every time boinc is upgraded.
<End Tip>[/i]
To start boinc:
Login as superuser, change to boinc directory, start boinc as a background task, logout superuser:
<your superuser password here>
cd /home/boinc
nohup nice ./boinc_4.13_i686-pc-linux-gnu -return_results_immediately &
To start boinc automatically when the machine first boots
Login as superuser, change your local startup file to start boinc as a background task, logout superuser:
<your superuser password here>
vi /etc/rc.local

<press enter>
#start boinc client
cd /home/boinc
nohup nice ./boinc_4.13_i686-pc-linux-gnu -return_results_immediately &
<press the escape key>
To stop boinc
Login as superuser, find boinc background task, stop it, logout superuser:
<your superuser password here>
ps -ef|grep boinc
This will display all running tasks containing the text “boinc” - you want the second column displayed - after the username responsible for the task - in this case root. Lets assume this number is “2476”:
kill 2476
If your boinc client has hung and you want to kill it, but it won’t respond to the above, replace with:
kill -9 2476
To see if your client is running
Change to boinc directory - view logfile
cd /home/boinc
tail -24 nohup.out
This command will exit immediately after displaying the last 24 lines of the logfile. To make it display lines as the client outputs them:
cd /home/boinc
tail -f nohup.out