
been awake now since 15:00 yesterday, done a night shift (last of the nightshifts for a while) and worked most of the day earning a few quid on the side.

Supped a few beers, not a whiff of caffiene since yesterday afternoon

Still wide awake :frowning:
30 hours and counting, maybe I should be out clubbing or something.

Whats the longest you’ve been awake ?

In my younger days …:shifty: About 36 hrs. but I could not even come close to that anymore.

Originally posted by TonyP
In my younger days …:shifty: About 36 hrs. but I could not even come close to that anymore.

Reckon I’ll have 36 hours in the bag easily.
Maybe I’ll mow the grass by torchlight just to annoy the neighbours :smiley:

Let’s see now. About a month ago, got up at 5:00 am, drove 240+ miles to work in another town for a couple of days. Didn’t get to bed until 3:30 am. Didn’t sleep at all, so finally got up and showered at 6:00 am and went back to work. About 3:00 pm went and played a round of golf (don’t ask me about the score, only lost 2 balls). Finally got into bed at 9:00 pm and slept till 6:00 am. Let’s see that looks to be about 40 hours without any sleep. Those last couple of hours were pretty tough.

Can’t exactly remember but a min 36 to 41hrs in my college
years mainly due to staying up and working on the PC in the
early hours finishing off an assignment then about 3am doing
something simple and stupied and borking a whole database
system with one simple change.

Rest of morning try to sort the mess, getting my dad at about
11am to run me into college (50mile drive) skipping a few non
essential classes :wink: then getting home 9ish in evening after
a couple of train rides.

Never again once was enough:)

edit/ thinking about it migt have come close to that the Mojo’s
before last could not sleep with all those computers going
more of an eye rest rather than sleep so that must have been
35+ hours then.

OK I use to drive truck and about 10 years ago I stayed up 102 hrs. It was wierd as heck. I wasn’t tired at all. The adrenalin was pumpin through my body keeping me wide awake. I couldn’t add 1 plus 1 and I was seeing things but I wasn’t tired… And b4 anyone ask, NO I didn’t spend it driving. I was broke down and around elpaso tx. it was hotter than hell and I was stuck on the carlsbad hwy waiting for tow and no place to sleep. And couldn’t sleep when I tried… Truck wouldn’t run, and inside that metal box it had to be 140 degrees. Don’t ever want to do that again…

On another one of the mad clubbing weekends I was up from 7am Friday until about 8pm Sunday, which is 61 hours. Wasn’t entirely unaided though. :boggle:

Originally posted by Mincer
On another one of the mad clubbing weekends I was up from 7am Friday until about 8pm Sunday, which is 61 hours. Wasn’t entirely unaided though. :boggle:

That sounds about right for one of my longer times awake. Mad clubbing weekend but the only aid I had was caffeine and I think I went to sleep a little later than 8pm on Sunday.

Originally posted by celticskyhawk
…but the only aid I had was caffeine …

Spacey and I were drinking red bull type stuff like it was going out of fashion on Sat - lol. :lol: