Stanford down

New Releases
The network for the entire Stanford School of Medicine is down, and so some critical FAH machines are down with it. We have been moving more and more redundant servers to other nets (we already have many data servers, so now it’s just about moving the AS’s), so in the future we’ll be able to handle this much more smoothly. For now, we’re waiting on Stanford IT.

3 machines waiting for work now :frowning:

Mine were all waiting when I got home at 5pm :(, from speaking to Preecey the windows SMP client is not affected, and the PS3 client isn’t…

SMP was down when i went to bed but it seems to have found a unit overnight.

Just restarted my clients, got some wus :). They’d all been assigned to server overnight and were just sitting there waiting :rolleyes:…

I’m pretty fortunate…mine made it through without being caught in the outage.