T-mobile web'n'walk pro mini review & VPN ideas request

Saw a link on hexus which resulted in me signing up for a wireless data card for my laptop. Great for use while travelling like I am now. It’s finally hit the value point to make it worthwhile getting, 2GB a month for £20, data card cost depends on contract duration (I went for 18 months and got the card for £50). Speeds are ok, am maxing out around 50kbit over GPRS and 400kbit over 3G. Pings are in the magnitude of 1000 ms and 400 ms respectively so maybe online gaming is out…

It’s not a fully transparent connection as far as I can see. They seem to recompress web graphics I guess to save bandwidth. So things look a bit poor at times. There also seems to be an “18+ filter” which is on by default, and it prompts you the option of unlocking it by making a debit and credit to a credit card as a check. No, I wasn’t surfing for pron, it was the MS page that came up on MSN messenger that got blocked :confused: And on closer inspection, I probably shouldn’t be running it anyway, as their web page states that VoIP and “messaging over IP” are forbidden and may result in being kicked if caught. I assume they put this clause in to deter people from avoiding the normal extortionate mobile rates. I think I need to read the small print, when I just noticed I never received…

Well to sidestep the above issues, I’m thinking of setting up VPN, but how?.. Need a simple-ish to set up solution. Lappy runs XP home, the home network end will have a box running 2k. It is behind a static IP and NAT router, port forwarding is no problem. I’d like it so that, once the VPN connection is up, all traffic will go over the VPN link. Ideally encrypted. Doesn’t have to be absolutely uncrackable, but just enough so that it isn’t gonna be broken in hours like WEP is.

What sort of CPU hit is involved with encryption, if we assume 512kbps of traffic?

Have done some googling around, rediscovered Hamachi, any comments or other suggestions?

so many options … win2000 advanced server can be had reasonably cheap, but no way near as cheap as running a *nix box. Takes a while to get round some of it but can be done and probably more securely as well. But then, VPN routers are no longer the extortionate prices they used to be. As for CPU usage, minimal to nill effect, I’ve never noticed it when others are on the VPN I run for work.



I think a MB and a stick of memory and USB boot or CF Flash boot to Linux Router Project (LRP) would work. I am sure there are several others out there as well.

Ooh… forgot about looking at my router. I got the Draytech 2800-something as recommended here before. It seems to support some VPN stuff so reading up on it now. Edit: looks like it’ll sort out the home end of it, I just need some vpn software for the lappy now and figure out how to get them to talk.

Originally I was hoping for a software VPN server endpointy thing, hence looking at Hamachi. I don’t want yet another box to do it… but, had been consiering for a while of making a box running FreeBSD to act as a server. Nothing fancy, as long as I can figure out apache (easy), ftp, bittorrent tracker and samba.

draytek actualy provide a vpn client for there router its part of the router tools available from there website

Thanks, didn’t spot that when I had a look before. Will have to give it a try when I get home.