Thank you Martin

once again a great reception from you and Bev (and the mutt), keep the fried chicken and chilli sauce on the menu please! and the Stowfield is FAR to easy to drink. Damski has my bar tab, i just have the headache! :flip:

see you next time folks

p.s. it was good to see DT using the right toilet, (and not as a bedroom either) :wink:

That the cider?
Bloody nice stuff :smiley: :cheers:

Sorry i missed you this time Mart and Bev.

I broke down not far from a gynormous old vicarige in the middle of no-where, nocked on the door and apart from getting mauled by dogs, got a very warm welcome, and a cuppa while I was waiting for the RAC.

Managed to pimp the Lowfeild quite well, so i hope they find their way up to you :wave:

By the way the poor bugger that towed me home was from Shrewsbury!!! Took 1.5 hours to get to me, and 2.5 hours to get me to Cardiff :eek:

Apparently there was a 24 hour recovery place 2 mins down the road from where i broke down, but they have an AA contract not an RAC one :mad:


Thanks again to all, another great weekend.

I realised I did the opposite of last time just after I passed Cirencester… think I left the vertical part of the projector screen by the door of the function room. If spotted please move it somewhere safe and I’ll pick it up next time.

thanks to both martin and bev for a great weekend :slight_smile:

indeed thx Martin & Bev good time had per normal
very nice to meet up with all old faces / regular faces & new faces
alike :slight_smile:

Thanks again to Martin & Bev, the staff and the other members of tpr that help to make it a great again :slight_smile:

As always thanks to Martin & Bev for letting us over run there place :slight_smile:

Twas good to go see you horrible lot again as well

Yep, another great bash. Thanks to Bev and Mojo and to all the staff for all the hard work that make these great.
Enjoy your afternoon off :cheers:

Yup a big thanks to the gallant hosts :slight_smile:

See you next time.

Nice to see you made it home with yer gasket intact dezy :smiley:

Thank you Martin & Bev for another fab weekend :clap: Thanks also to all the staff, to Preecey for taking me into Newton to get my labret pierced, to Damski, his sister in law and mother in law for the lift home and to everyone there for making it another great meet :thumbsup: Especially DT and BounceOut for the laugh we had watching them get in compromising positions in UT :chuckle:

Thanks to Martin and Bev for another good weekend :slight_smile:




excellent stuff as is the norm :thumbsup:


Aye - although it was only a fleeting visit, the Reverend was superb as always - and beating Dezy 2-1 at Pool really helped :wink:


Thanks to Preecey and Endre too for showing me how simple it actually is to set the network up :smiley:

Here was me convinced I’d need a degree in rocket science to figure it out :lol:

As ever, thatnks to all at the Lowfield that make us oh so welcome. And to all ‘us’ that pitch up, without the participation and willingness of all there it wouldnt be the fantastik weekend it always is.

Mojo, fancy a visitor next week? I need more Stowford :slight_smile:

Thanks to Martin and Bev, Great weekend had and good to see everyone again after not making it last time, cant wait for the next time.

No worries m8, bedroom is free, bring it awwwn :slight_smile:


Wherabouts are you from in this neck off the woods? Old skool, yet new skool to me! :eek: :confused: :flip:
