theiving Barstewards

I have recently been trying to clear some wasteland behind my house, which i own but the previous owner had left uncleared. the trees on it are now pushing down a retaining wall so its time to clear it. starting from the boundary fence next to the road, i have cleared the level area, and then started hacking down the bank. i bought a galvanised dustbin incinerator to dispose of the cleared undergrowth and did the first burn sunday night.

so, we have, a hed hot glowing lump of metal, full of ash, on private land, inside a fence next to a quiet but well lit road, with very few houses and no real thoroughfare for yobs, and it was raining.

and some shite pinched it overnight! :mad:

i mean, how pathetic is someones life that they have to steal a garden incinerator? :confused:

Oh dear :p,
Good job it wasnt your toilet that was stolen… then police would have nothing to go on!

Don’t worry, the police are currently following a hot lead.

I have a burning desire to come out with bad jokes… :stuck_out_tongue:
What are you doing about this by the way… are you reporting it… or just cutting your losses?

Next time you smell somebody having a bonfire, have a peek over their fence.
Its not the sort of thing you would want to drag very far and you never know just how daft people can be.

A friend had all his work tools stolen from his van one night. Three days later a bright yellow torch with his name on it was visible inside the front window of a house across the road.

When i stayed at gazes house a guy next door had his wall stolen… yes the wall! the actually front garden wall :p,

How the ekk do you steal a wall OH COME ON lol

whats to report? someone pinched a £25 dustbin, can you imagine our police getting out of the donut shop for that? these idiots cant catch a kiddie-fiddler, let alone something trivial.

no, i just intend to wait until someone local has a bonfire, and if they are using my incinerator, i will return the compliment to their car.


Lol nice :wink:
Shame people resort to such silly things tho…
i mean if they really needed to use it at least ask…
not just go and steal it.
But in this world if it’s not nailed down its pinched.
and its sad really.

Its worth reporting if you have the time just to keep the statistics in check.
Every crime thats unsolved helps to slow down the spin doctors.

Theres also a slender chance of it being taking as part of a larger haul, maybe sombody did all the sheds in your street last night but got pulled over in their “Motorway Maintenance” van before they could unload it all.

Your Incinerator could be in a lost property office near you right now
(or one exactly like it… :wink: )

Yep, report it … and help Joe Public in his fight against twisted statistics :nod:

LMAO, nice one TFW :thumbsup: :lol:


Some theieving kids stole our front lawn lights as well…The solar ones.

Cant understand why the decided to go through a gate to steal ours and not next doors who have nothing in the way…

It’s not the kill, it’s the thrill of the chase (deep purple) :wink:

The police would love to deal with your dustbin nice easy time waster.

It would tie them up for ages so they don’t have to venture into
the terrortory of dealing with the ‘hardened criminals’.

Tis would be the next best thing to hanging out at the donut shop.

Err…please don’t think that all police spend their time in the donut shop. I don’t like donut’s. :slight_smile:

Theres probably a training course you can take to correct that.

Lottery Funded of course :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

its ok, they can investigate the car burnt out down the road instead :whistle:



Around here they just come get the car… ok I lie they just send another firm to get the car… and thats it…

nothing more… nothing less, shit really !